Chapter 1

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I made my way through Kings Cross station. Muggles everywhere, shoving and running to catch their trains on time. The station is packed today.

I walked briskly through the hordes of Muggles and made my way to platform 9 and 10.

My parents told me all I had to do was walk through the wall and it would take me to platform 9 3/4.

My parents, oh how I hated them right now. Sending me off to Hogwarts, I'm twenty years old and here I have to play a sixteen year old.
I know they have their reasons. Our family is in danger. My mother got of the wrong side of Beaufort Heinz a Dark Fae. He wanted her to go into some business deal. They didn't tell me everything. She turned him down and now He's made threats about me. My parents just want me safe. So I had to leave my life in New York to go to Hogwarts.

They couldn't get me a job as a staff member no, I had to be a student. I don't really look sixteen. My have already fully grown, standing at 5'8, with full perky breast,curvy hips and what all my exs described as a very smackable ass. My long black hair reached almost to my ass, my eyes are the same as my mothers a bright silverly blue a sign of the Light Fae. While my mother is a full blooded Fae, I'm only half, my father being a wizard made me half and half.
Meaning not only can I preform magic as a witch, I can also use my Fae magic which is much more powerful.

Oh and the worst thing? All the boys will be way too young for me. I shudder at the thought. Maybe their will be a hot teacher? God I hope so.

I finally got to platform 9-10 and when no one was watching walked right through.

On the other side sat a vibrant red train. Parents and kids all around seeing their friends and wishing their parents goodbye.

I walked around everyone and made my way onto the train I walked to the back and found a empty one and put my luggage into the over head and sat down.

I pulled out my cell phone and popped in my headphones to listen to some music because once I get there none of my electronics will work.

I zoned out while listening to Break The Rules by Charli XCX. I bobbed my head to the beat and zoned out into my music.

"Hey." The voice broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see double. I blinked a few times but there are still two of them.

"Sorry, I'm Fred and this is my twin George. Mind if we sit here?" The slightly taller twin said taking a set into the compartment.

"No, go right ahead." The boys both stepped in and got their trunks into the over head and sat down across from me. Getting a better look I could tell that Fred was not only the taller of the two but he also was much cuter, with slightly longer hair and less freckles then his twin.

"So you must be knew. What's your name?" Fred asked as his eyes scanned over my body.

"Yeah, transferred from a school in America." I smiled at my lie. My cover story being a transferred student from my old school Spell Bound.

"Cool, what year are you in?" George asked next.

"Sixth year."

"We are too. I wonder what house you get sorted into. We are in Griffendor." Fred spoke this time.

"Yeah, I read about the different houses. I guess we will have to wait and see." I smiled kinda hoping to be in the same house as the twins.

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