Parents and Parties

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We all sat at the dinner table. Tiara was glaring me down. I sat there with a wide smirk on my face.

"Lauren, why don't you go sit by Tiara. You two can get to know each other more."

I got up slowly, inching my way to the empty seat next to her.

"The restaurant said no pets allowed, but I guess you're an exception."

Tears bellowed in my eyes as I remember just last year. The voices started ringing in my head as Tiara was standing over me. Watching me lay helplessly in the mud.

"Listen pig. This is your new pen." Her scowling laughter echoed as she walked away, leaving me there.

My eyes were fixated on the table, as I just sat there staring.

"May I be excused? Tiara, come with." I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to the bathroom.

"Did you really wanna see me cry in front of my Mom and my new Dad?" I snapped at her viciously.

"Why were you crying? I just made a little petty joke."

"Do you not remember the pig incident?"

"That was harmless. Did it actually hurt your feelings?"

"Yes!" I yelled, then looking around to see if anyone was anyone is the stalls.

"Just leave me alone from now on. Let's get back to dinner." I mumbled, walking out of the door.


We were finally back home. Tom and Tiara were spending the night.

"Tiara can sleep in your room. You two will be fine." I mocked my mom's words.

"You know, you can use some better clothes in your closet." She said holding up a plaid shirt.

"Plaid, really?"

I snatched the shirt out of her hand, hanging it back up in the closet.

"That was my dad's. Don't touch anything."

"Fine. I'm going out." She glared at the door, folding her arms.

"Coming with?"

I looked at her, surprised.

"You want me? To come to a party? With you?" I pointed at myself.

"I don't want people to think I'm associated with a loser loner girl. So this can be your chance to branch out a bit."

There's the catch.

"I guess I'll come."

"Find something decent to wear, and I'll be waiting in the car."

I slipped on a blue dress with some black wedges. The dress was really tight, and busty, but it was all I really had to wear for a party.

I didn't really put any makeup on because I felt that I didn't need it. I did take my hair out of its braid to reveal some adorable waves.

I walked out of the door and onto the lawn where Tiara was waiting with the car.


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