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"Lauren, you're gonna be late if you don't wake up now!"

I rolled over to my nightstand, grabbing my glasses and adjusting my eyes to my room. The clock read five-thirty, which meant that I had at most, thirty minutes to get ready.

I walked to my bathroom where my clothes were.

Three more years in this hellish prison, school. Three more years.

I hated the fact that I was the biggest loser in school. Brushing my teeth, I thought of ways to improve. My checklist sucked.

1. Get a cute boy to fall in love with me.

2. Befriend Tiara Carmen.

3. Meet Beyoncé and win prom queen.

The list became impossible on the second number. As if Tiara ever noticed me. Ever since I was little, I dreamt of being popular, or at least pretty for that matter.

Ok Lauren, you can do this.

I braided my hair back and slipped into my jeans. I just threw on a purple shirt.

"The bus is down the street Laurie!"

That's my Mom's fussy name for me. She only calls me Laurie when she's mad or rushing me.

I grabbed my bag and rushed down the stairs.

"Don't forget hun, you're coming out tonight with me and Tom."

"Ok mom." I rolled my eyes in a playful gesture.

"You'll have to meet his daughter tonight."

"Ok mom. I really have to go now!" I turned towards the door.

I ran to catch the bus. For once, it actually slowed down to wait for me.

"Thank you." I said trying to catch my breath.

I took my normal seat as usual. I sat in the front seat, reading a Wattpad story on my phone. My friend had just referred the app to me, and I really like it.

"Can I sit here?"

"No, this seat's taken." I started to laugh hysterically.

My best friend, Reese stood next to the seat. She's done this almost everyday since we've met in sixth grade. She always just plops right next to me without an answer, just like she did back then.

"Guess what meh friend?"

She finds a substitute for almost every word in the dictionary. Hence the word 'meh'.

"What my friend?" I reply back with a mouthful of grapes I took from her bag.

"Those were my breakfast." She tilts her head to the side, doing that adorable pouty lip puppy face.

"You ate my hamburger last week. Remember?"

"True." She sighs, staring at the floor and biting her inside cheek for a second.


The bus finally came to the final stop at our school. Reese rushed off of the bus before me and I followed behind. She was never quiet, and now, I feel like she's hiding something from me.

"Reese, what are you not telling me?" I say nudging her arm playfully.

"Me and Ryan are dating."

My jaw dropped and I felt a sickening pain in my stomach.

"What? You know I've liked him since seventh grade!" I tried to keep my voice down, but just ended up yelling.

"We started talking last night after band practice, and we made out, and it just escalated into him asking me out. I'm sorry." She looked into my eyes with that 'ocean look' like she does when she's truly sad.

But those ocean eyes couldn't make up for what she did.  I turned and headed towards the school door.

"Stop, Lauren, we're best friends!"

"We were best friends Reese."

I entered the door and let her get lost in the cluster of people. I'm now deemed, friendless. Unless you count Tess. But all she does is copy my homework and take credit for my assignments.

So, here I am. My lonely self.


I'd often be deep in a conversation with Reese by now. We would be there, talking by her locker. But now all you see at her locker is Ryana in a full-on make out session with her. She's pathetic.

I was so distracted by her and Ryan that I walked into the danger zone. And as my bad luck continued, there came the head populars.

Head-popular, Tiara, lead the group with her long, blonde locks of hair. Next came Sierra, the side minion. She followed anything Tiara said and did. And next, came Madeline. She was the smartest girl in school. A 4.0 average is what she had, and an A in every class. Together, they formed the prettiest, most popular girls in school. They were heading straight towards me.

I stood in front of Mr, Johnson's classroom. Everyone turned to look at them. The sounds of heels clopping echoed against the floor.

I just stood there, mesmerized. I dreamt about what I would do if I was that pretty.

She was getting closer to me. I pulled the handle on the teacher's door, but it didn't want to open.

Come on, come on.

I kept trying, but the door was jammed. Now, they were right in front of me. I gulped so hard that I actually felt a sharp pain in my throat.

"Hey, Tiara." I managed to get those two words out.

"You're in my way, and you have three seconds to move, or you're dead meat."

"Y-yes Tiara."

I stepped to the side and let her have the door. My jaw dropped when I saw her push the door and walk into it. That's what these girls can do to you. Make you forget how to open doors.


That was until now, Tiara was standing elegantly next to me as we were waiting for our table.

"You're Karen's daughter?" She whispered into my ear.

"Would I be here if I wasn't?" I say questioning her, not trying to be too rude.

"How are people in school gonna react to me being sisters with 'loser girl'?"

"We're not sisters. I can't be sisters with a brat like you." I snapped back.

I saw her face start to turn red.

"And that's why you'll never be..."

"Table number five!" The waiter interrupted her comeback.

I giggled under my breath.

Hey guys! It's Gabby here. So I'm actually going to stop updating my other stories for a while, so I can focus on this one mainly. This is my first chapter. I will upload the next chapter next week sometime. I've also created an Instagram. @gabby_wattpad_creator. I hope this gets a lot of support. Xoxo xd!

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