Brianna & CM Punk

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This is for @Briannaflowers6, I hope you like it! :)

"Are you doing okay baby?"

"Yes I'm okay Phil don't worry, your baby boy is just kicking a lot but don't worry about me, worry about your match tonight with Bryan."

This very caring sweet side was the side the world never saw with 'The Best In The World' CM Punk. Yup, that's right; I'm Brianna Brooks and my husband is Cm Punk. We are so excited for our first child. Phil especially is excited because we are having a boy, I was hoping for a girl but I will love any child of mine as long as I am with Phil. He didn't have a very good experience or relationship with his parents so he just wants to be the father he never had, which I think is the sweetest thing in the world.

"Hey Phil! Hey Brianna how are you?" We were greeted by Brie and Bryan.

Brie: You guys excited for the match tonight against Kane and Hunter?

Phil: Oh yeah! Brie you're gonna stay with Bri haha right?

"Of course, Nikki and I love her like our own sister."

Phil: Thanks! Well I gotta go, I need to do a promo before the match. Love you baby!

Phil kissed me softly and left for his promo.

~F/F after the show~

Nikki: So how is our God-son doing?

"great, the kicking is crazy though. I don't know why it's as if he has--Ahh!! Oww!"

Brie: Oh my goodness brianna! Are you okay?!

Nikki: I'll get Phil. PHIL!!

Brie: C'mon breathe, try and relax.

"Brianna, Brianna I'm here! I'm here baby what's the matter?!" Phil ran to me.

"Phil, my water broke."


Dr: C'mon mrs. Brooks push! You're almost there!

"I'm tired. It hurts so much..."

Phil: Come on baby keep pushing so we can meet our baby boy!

Dr: Push!!

"AGHHH!!" It wasn't long before I heard the beautiful cry of my baby boy. The Dr. handed him to the nurse.

Phil: good job Bri-- OW why are you still squeezing?!

"I still feel kicking! Doc what's happening?!"

Dr: There's another baby!

"What?!" Phil and i both yelled.

Phil: We're having twins.. oh my goodness.

Dr: Brianna can you push again for me please, you got another little brooks that wants to get out!

I pushed and pushed, until I finally heard a cry.

Dr: Mrs. Brooks, you wanted a baby girl right? Well you got it.

I looked up at him with complete shock. "What? Really?"

Phil: This is amazing, you got your baby girl bri. Now you rest, I'll check up on our twins.

He kissed my head softly and left the room. I soon fell into a peaceful slumber.

* * 1 week later * *

Brie: So when do we get to meet our God son?

"Phil come down here!"

John: What's taking him so long, your son can't be that big.

Nikki: Yeah I wanna meet my God son!

"You guys are so excited for him I hope you won't ignore your God daughter!" I smiled.

"What!" They all yelled.

Daniel: You had twins?!

Phil: Yes she did! Here they are.

"Aw they are so cute!" Nikki exclaimed.

Daniel: So what are their names.

Phil: This is my boy Andrew Jack Brooks

"And this is my baby girl Rose Nicole Brooks"

"You named her after me!? Thank you so much guys!" Nikki hugged me and Phil and she held Rose for the first time as Phil handed Andrew to Brie.

John: So what's it gonna be phil, best in the world or double trouble?

Brie/Nikki: Double trouble!

"no way! Best in the world. You two have caused enough trouble haha" Phil said as we all shared a laugh.

Nikki: I can't wait to go shopping for my little Nikki bella. I'm gonna go right now and buy her things.

John: Well I guess we are going.

Brie: Yeah we are gonna go too, give you guys family time. I'll go with you Nikki

Bryan: Alright goodbye guys and congratulations again!

They all left and Phil held Rose as I held Andrew. "This is amazing Phil, Andrew looks just like you and Rose looks just like me."

Phil: It is a miracle. We got exactly what we wanted. I love you Brianna Brooks

"And I love you Phillip Brooks."

We kissed each other softly and kissed both of our twins. I am so excited to start this chapter of my life with the man I love.

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