Angelina & AJ x2

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This one is for @cheetahprintzebra. Hope you like it! :)

AJ: Why not?!!

"No AJ! I'm just not ready to make things public. Not even Kayla knows.

She scoffed. "I don't get it. You say you care about me but all we ever do is meet privately. You're embarrassed of our relationship."

"No no that's not it!!"

"Yeah it is! I get it now Angelina. Forget it then!" She ran into her room crying and slammed the door. Oh no, I need help.



Kayla: What's the matter Ang, you seem so down. Something bothering you?

"actually, yes. I know I should have told you right from the start you being my best friend goes.... AJ and I are together."

Kayla gasped. No! Really! I never knew that."

"Are you being sarcastic? Wait, you knew already!?"

She laughed. "of course I did. I'm your best friend you can't hide things from me. I was just waiting until you were ready to tell me yourself. So what's the problem?"

I sighed heavily. "She wants to make our relationship public but I'm just not ready, and now she thinks I'm embarrassed of our relationship. And that's not it. I just don't wanna be treated different and not accepted."

Kayla: Ang. You care about aj right?

I nodded. "yeah, of course I do."

"Then you've got to do this to prove it to her. You get through this and nothing will break you two apart"


What Kayla said really made me think. i've got to do what's right, and shouldn't care about what others think.


"Welcome everybody to Good Morning America! As always we are here bright and early and our guest today is the WWE divas champion AJ Lee! Welcome AJ"

AJ: Thank you so much I'm glad to be here.

Skip passed interview


"Thank you again for coming AJ but before you go we have a surprise for you. A guest that says they have a big announcement!"

Aj looked at them confused. "huh? who is it?"

" Come on out Angelina!!" I walked out with a big smile and gave AJ a hug.

"Hi everybody I'm Angelina. I have an announcement. When you find someone you truly care about; people tend to always worry about what others will think. AJ and my best friend Kayla have helped me get over that. AJ Lee and I are together!"

The entire audience gasped. I took aj's hand and she smiled. "Aj has been wanting to make our relationship public but I was always worried about what others would think. Now I'm not. We are together whether people accept it or not and we are happy!"

The entire audience gave us a standing ovation. Aj was in tears and I gave her a big hug and kissed her cheek.

"We do not judge here, and we admire your courage. Everyone one more round of applause for Angelina & AJ!!"

AJ: That was the sweetest. Thank you. I couldn't be more happier right now Ang.

"That's all that matters to me! :)"

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