Faith & Dean Ambrose

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"Thanks again for bringing me to the show Emma! I had so much and you did great in your match against Summer!

Emma: Thanks Faith, the crowd was great tonight.

"Can I ask you a question Em?"

"Of course, what's up?"

" Is Dean Ambrose single?"

She gasped and smiled at me. "Aww you like him!" She whispered

"He is so hot, can you introduce us PLEASSEE!"

"Of course! Let's go find them."

We walked around backstage and conveniently we ran into the shield.

"Hey Emma" They all greeted her.

Emma: Hey guys, great job tonight. I just wanted to introduce you to my sister Faith, I'm just giving her a chance to meet everyone.

"Hi guys, I love all your work, you three are amazing."

Emma: Why don't you tell them who your favorite is Faith.

"Emma..." I blushed from embarrassment.

Seth: it's okay just tell us.

"Its Dean." I blushed again and looked away.

Roman: Aww she's blushing. Isn't that cute

" Oh gosh! haha"

Dean: Guys give me a couple of minutes, Emma you mind if I take a walk with your sister?

" No go ahead! Faith call me when you are ready to go."

" Okay!" I smiled as Dean wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked away.

Dean: Y'know it feels good to know I can make a girl blush as much as you did. Your a real pretty girl, how old are you?

"24. How about you?"

"28. Not so bad an age difference huh?"

"I agree." I smiled widely at him.

Dean: Y'know it seems you have some interest in me and i'm not one for games. So; i'd like to get to know you better how about I take you back to my hotel room, we hang out and i'll drive you back to Emma later?

I knew my cheeks couldn't become a darker shade of red. 'uh, y-yeah that s-sounds great" I mentally facepalmed myself. And to my surprise he hugged me and lifted my chin up.

"Hey don't be embarrassed, i'm just a regular person, with a great body haha."

"I won't argue there, and the ring gear is very badass I can't lie."

Dean: Oh yeah, I love it. How about we head to my locker room then head out, text your sister and let her know what's up.

We walked to the shield's locker room as I texted Emma

-Heey Em, Sorry but I won't be heading back with you..DEAN ASKED ME TO HANG OUT WITH HIM!! I am freaking out! But after we are done he will drive me back to our hotel, So i'll see you soon xoxo.

Within a minute she replied back to me:

-Alright no problem! You have fun and be good! :p I'll see you when I see you<3

"Hey I just told Emma, everything's good to go."

Dean smiled and nodded; "Alright great! Let's get going."

**Dean's Hotel Room**

"This is nice, you guys get nice treatment don't you?"

Dean: I guess so, but I don't care about the fancy stuff. A room and a bed is enough for me.

"Usually, hotels have 2 beds, you only have 1 big bed, isn't that more expensive?"

He chuckled as he sat on the bed beside me. "Well you never know when you're gonna have special company..and i mean, you're here." He held my hand and rubbed it softly.

I looked away slightly embarrassed. "Uhm why don't we put in one of the movies you have!"

"Uh sure.." We decided on watching Jack Reacher (I actually watched this its a really good movie, I highly recommend it!)

As the movie went on we got more comfortable. Dean took his shirt off and spread the blanket over us, pulling me close to him. I was freaking inside like a little girl, but kept calm. We got to a funny part and both laughed, Dean took this opportunity to rest his hand on my inner thigh. My heart beat quickened and I got really scared.

"Dean..w-what are you--

he cut me off by pressing our lips together, very passionately. I gave in immediately.

Dean: me..really hot.

"I've.. been waiting... for this... for a long time."

He slid his hand up my shirt and I couldn't go on. I pulled away. "Dean I can't do this. I'm sorry!" I tried to get off the bed but Dean pulled me back.

Dean: Hey hey, don't be scared. I'm sorry if I came off to strong... Faith, are you inexperienced?

I looked down and nodded.

"Hey don't worry, trust me I will be gentle. it will hurt but after you get passed it you will enjoy it."

"You promise?"

"Promise. Now lay back and let me please you."

I smiled as he put the blanket over us. It wasn't long before we got rid of all our clothing. Dean kissed me and took me by surprise by inserting 2 fingers into me.

*gasp* "uhh Dean"

Dean: I told you i'd make you feel good.. now time to kick it up a notch

He pumped faster and I breathed heavily. I was losing my breath.

"D-Dean st-stop please"

He stopped and I tried to catch my breath.

" Are we done now?"

He laughed and kissed me softly. "We are just getting to the good part." He grabbed a condom from the drawer and positioned himself between my legs, fear began to spread across my face.

Dean: It's okay don't be too scared. You're too cute to harm

He inched into me slowly and he was hugee! I was trying not to let the pain show on my face. After I got used to his size he began moving.

Dean: Now that you've relaxed we can really have fun!

He picked up the pace and i held onto him tighter, lightly scratching his back. He sucked on my neck as I moaned his name.

"Uhh Dean..I'm close.."

" It's ok baby, cum for me! I'm right here"

I screamed my release then collapsed in his arms. 'Wow, that was incredible."

Dean: I didn't hurt you too bad did I?

I shook my head.

"So how about you stay here with me tonight?"

"I'd love that."

Dean: And I love that i've found my special someone.

He kissed my lips softly before we went to sleep.

This was for @Mrs_Ambrollins. hope you enjoyed it

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