Chapter 11: I Love You's// You Need a New Helmet

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My thoughts are going a million miles per hour. "You.. you love me?" I'm shocked.. this is going so fast. "We haven't known each other for that long."

"Time cannot measure love." Is all he says before he smiles, gets up, and walks to the swings to his siblings. Z loves me. "Aubree?" He calls out. "Wanna help push it's easier with more than one person." He laughs, struggling to push the three kids.

I gather my shocked self and make my way over to them. "Yeah, sorry." I push Drake while Z pushes Andie and Daniel.

"You don't have think so hard about it princess. I'm not expecting you to say it back till you know you feel the same." Z kisses the side of my head racing the boys to the slide I hang back with Andie while she plays in the sand. The thing is I do feel the same I just don't know how to say it yet. I just smile at him while he goes down the slide the boys hanging off of him as he does. "Alright kiddos twenty minutes and we gotta head home you all need a bath before bed."

Twenty minutes later we are heading back home Drake and Daniel have been super nice to Andie since our little talk and they prove that again when we arrive home. "My babies how was the park?" Ma asks.

"Good Annie made a really cool sand castle the best we've ever seen right Danny?' Drake is smiling at his sister and Daniel agrees with him.

"Wow that's wonderful." Ma has a shocked look on her face. "Well who's bathing first? I want no arguments here." She frowns waiting for a war of 'me firsts' as always.

"Annie can I think she's the tiredest." Daniel says right as Andie yawns.

"Thank you." Andie is grateful while she hugs her brothers and makes her way upstairs. "Best day ever." She yawns almost at the top of the stairs, Drake and Daniel close behind. They're very protective after out talk today.

"How?" Ma says looking at us. "I've tried everything to get those boys to be nice yo Ann, how did you do it in 45 minutes?" She's got wide eyes looking at us.

"I think it's different being scolded by a third party." I say chuckling. "Z made a point about future boyfriends and they wouldn't leave her side after that." I laugh so does Z and Ma.

"Thank you both I love you! Goodnight" Ma says kissing us both on the cheek and walking up the stairs to the triplets.

"Well princess, bed time?" Z holds out his hand for me to take.

"Sounds like heaven to me." Grabbing his hand we go to our room and get into pj's, Z just in his boxers me in shorts and a tank top. "Z?" I ask crawling into bed, he looks up from his phone waiting for me to continue. "I love you too." Before I can even finish saying 'too' his mouth is on mine.

"Thank. God." He says between kisses and all I can do is laugh.

We kiss for a bit, before I realize just how tired I am. "Baby girl?" Z calls into the darkness and I hum a response to tired to open my eyes. "I love you." He whispers into my hair cuddling up to me.

"You too Z" I mumble and he chuckles.

"Goodnight princess." He whispers just as everything turns black.

Z's P.O.V.

Last night was amazing, I told Aubree I loved her and she said it back. I know I'm spending the rest of my life with her. Jesus two months knowing Bree and one month living with her and being her boyfriend has me being one mushy S.O.B. "Z we gotta go!" School ugh. Last day before the long weekend that means parties from Wednesday to Sunday. None at the club of course but high school parties are still entertaining. Aubree runs into the room again "Babe let's go! Last week of school this week I will not be late. Don't make me leave you here."

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