"Ye came to warn her?" Jayce looked over at Luna and shook his head.

"I came to defend her."

"And yer friend 'ere, Argo fits in how?" Jayce looked across the table at Argo who stared back at him.

"I want to find the people that did this to Rose. I want to find them so it doesn't happen to anyone else. Weapons come in more forms than just swords and daggers. Sometimes the greatest weapon you can have is something far less tangible." Roland nodded sipping from his mug.

"Information, aye that's smart. Dangerous, but smart." Luna nodded as Roland spoke agreeing with the veteran.

"And ye agreed to such terms? Information brokers rarely care for individual concerns. What's yer stake in this?" Luna glanced back at Argo and the girl's mouth split into a wide grin.

"Besides the money? Jayce will owe me and that's worth quite a bit." Argo's usual demeanor began to show once more making Jayce more than a little nervous.

"I like this one. Keep her around ye hear?" Luna slapped Jayce's arm playfully laughing as she did.

"What's the plan then?" Roland had remained serious throughout the short bit of banter. Jayce regarded him and breathed in deeply.

"This man thinks he is catching Rose unaware. He doesn't know we're waiting for him. I say let him come and we'll end it here." Jayce answered and Roland nodded.

"I'm in. Prepare for the worst and if he's not alone then you'll need me." Roland reached his hand out and Jayce forced a smile shaking it.

"Eh, what's this then? If he's drawing blood then count me in as well." Luna quickly threw her hand forward wrapping her fingers around Jayce and Roland's hands as they shook.

"Short time and you've come a long way Alchemist. You're driven to save people now it seems. I expect it won't be long before you join the front lines trying to save everyone." Argo took another drink, her smile never wavering.

"That's not for me. I'll never be strong enough to save everyone."

"No?" The door behind them opened as Argo asked. Jemza and Rose stepped out of the room. The two women continued talking with one another exchanging laughs and smiles as the table watched on.

"I just want to be strong enough to save one." Jayce meant to say it inwardly, but it came out of his mouth. Argo didn't respond, but simply kept smiling while drinking from her cup.

"We're all set." Jemza said as her and Rose walked up next to the table.

"Good, we'll wait here until nightfall. Argo, you don't need to stay here any longer. After tonight I'll get in touch with you and we can take the next steps." Jayce motioned towards the brown hooded girl and she crossed her arms as he spoke. Argo survived not only by providing and gaining intelligence from other players, but also being the first to race around finishing quests to publish in her strategy guides. If he had to guess based off her physical appearance and style of play she was most likely an agility based character. With the speed and efficiency Argo possessed there was a good chance she didn't even have any combat skills.

"Thank you, but I'll decline the offer." Argo's words made Jayce twist towards her.


"You don't think I'm capable of being of help tonight?" Jayce looked back at Jemza who looked as equally confused as he did.

"No, it's just going to be dangerous and an information broker probably isn't suited for what will happen tonight." As he spoke Argo stood up and pulled the hem of her cloak back away from her body. Her slender frame underneath the cloak was clad only in a pair of loose breeches and tunic. She wore no armor that Jayce could see, but on her left hip attached to the belt was a pair of claw looking weapons dangling.

"Are you worried about my safety Alchemist? Could it be the one you want to save...is me? We mustn't though. The employee employer relationship must never be crossed. However...the heart wants...what the heart wants!" Argo flipped her cloak causing it to flourish wildly in the air as the five people watching her stared in mixtures of confusion, curiosity, and from one of the five, annoyance.

"This isn't your fight Argo. We told you what happened with Artemis." Jayce, the one to whom the annoyance belonged, answered her dramatic proclamation.

"I've nothing better to do, and I will see this part through. Don't worry; I'm more than capable of defending myself. You'll be free to focus on what's important." Her whiskers twitched as she smiled and placed the palms of her hands on her hips.

"Thank you Argo." Jemza bowed slightly towards the girl. Both Jayce and she had their assumptions that Argo was a beta tester. If that was true then her experience would be invaluable. Furthermore, there was a strong chance that Argo was of significantly higher level that either of them. Whatever happened tonight very well may hinge on someone like Argo being present.

"Nyahaha! Argo the Rat at your service Miss White." Jayce put his head in his palms while the others laughed. It was hard for him to feel at ease or comfortable. There were too many unknowns still left to play out. In a few short hours they could all be dead. This, perhaps, would be their final moments with each other.

While in Rose's office, Jayce had explained everything to Argo and Rose. Argo had seemed equally concerned about the way Artemis fought as well as the abilities he possessed. She had confirmed that the debuff Jayce suffered when his hand was severed was not something that occurred until higher floors of Aincrad. Human type enemies also weren't around until floor three which she explained was home to the Dark Elves and Wood Elves. It only solidified his assumption that she was a former beta tester, but that was a conversation best left for another time.

This series of quests had already thrown human enemies at them. Human enemies that were so well programmed that they resembled actual players in skill and mannerisms. Why did such a series of quests exist? Was there a deeper purpose behind it that he couldn't quite understand? Those thoughts were what kept him from truly joining in on the amusement the others around him were enjoying. The Thieves Guild was showing them things far earlier than intended. The risks and opportunities were greater than normal. If each floor of this world helped prepare you for the next, what was the Thieves Guild preparing them for? Something in the back of his brain knew that these quests were more than just entertainment. They were a form of training, and the ultimate goal was still shrouded in mystery.

"I'll let the others know. I won't force anyone to stay, but if they insist then I won't argue. Thank you everyone. I am honored to have met you all." Rose walked along the side of the table touching each of them on the shoulder.

Was this all scripted? Just part of the quest? There must be certain restrictions or triggers in place that cause events to occur propelling the story forward. Jayce watched as Rose walked around to each person squeezing their shoulders. A pit formed in his stomach and the only thing that seemed to fill it was dread. Was it already preordained that Rose would die tonight? Jayce and Jemza came here to protect her. To save her. If Rose was programmed to die tonight, could he change her fate through willpower alone?

"We're gonna be ok." Jayce twitched slightly as Jemza leaned down and whispered in his ear. This morning and even last night he feared that this battle could be their last. The danger was far greater than anything they had encountered before. As he sat here in the Infiltrator's Den looking at the other members of the Thieves Guild his worries began to change into something different.

"I know." He reached back and patted the side of her leg as she stood behind him. He didn't know that for sure, but she needed him to be confident. That's why he remained silent about the ominous feeling beginning to suffocate him. Maybe Argo, Jemza, and he would see tomorrow. His eyes lingered on Roland, Luna, and Rose as they laughed and smiled with each other. Some of them, or all of them would be dead by morning.

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