"Rose also said she's aware of the deep magics that seem to prohibit physical contact between two people. That must be how the game NPC's refer to the <<Anti-Harassment System>>. She said she might be able to help, so if you really want to know just how much I meant what I said then you'd be wise to shut up and stay focused." She stepped back before spinning forward and walking once more.

"O...ok I'm focused!" He jogged a few steps until he was walking beside her once more.

"Good, she said Kurt might still be in Marome. It's the only lead she had, and most likely the last one. We have to find this guy and make him talk." Jayce nodded in understanding.

"Jemza, I don't have a problem with this, but I feel I should make it clear what's going on. Helping Rose sounds like we will be tracking down her husband's killers. Interrogating people for information and slowly unraveling the story of her past. What do you think will happen to these people as we find them and get our answers?" These types of quests were familiar to him. He had performed them many times in other games and they were always his favorite. Jemza, however, might not have the stomach for it. She might not even know what she agreed to.

"Not sure what you're asking." Jayce reached out and grabbed her hand gently, pulling her to a stop. He looked around to make sure no one was too close to them.

"Rose will want revenge. I would to so I have no problem with that, but we aren't just sneaking into some mansion to steal documents this time. If we find this man in Marome, he won't just talk willingly. We will have to put him to the blade and make him talk. Once he does he can't be left alive to inform his friends about us.

I noticed it in the tavern today. The Thieves Guild isn't for the faint of heart. This isn't just some fantasy quest line of hunting monsters and getting treasure. These people's stories are full of pain, sadness, and death. We are going to be part of that now and I'm worried if you can handle being what we will need to be." Jemza looked down at their hands clasped together and then back up into his eyes.

"What will we need to be?"

"Assassins." It took a few moments for him to answer, but it was the truth. They would hunt the people who wronged Rose and kill them. In other games Jayce had hunted other players so the concept wasn't foreign. It was exciting and thrilling, but it also didn't cater to everyone.

"I want to be more like Rose. I want to be more like you too. Facing your pasts and becoming stronger for it. I don't want to run anymore so teach me. You said you made your character based off an assassin in a book you liked right? Teach me to be an assassin too and we'll do this together. All the way until the end with no regrets." He expected to see some fear or hesitation in her eyes, but it wasn't there. At that moment Jayce realized what his goal was in SAO. He could never compete with the brave few soldiering through the dungeon to clear the floors. They were fighting to save everyone from this prison, and in comparison Jayce's focus seemed so miniscule. All he cared about now was getting this girl out alive.

"Yeah, I can do that. From now on we stay committed to this, not just for Rose, but for ourselves too. No matter the risk." Jemza smiled and looked over her shoulder towards the direction that would lead out the southern side of Urbus.

"This is it then. Everything until now was just the beginning. We start our adventure here and now...together. We don't look back, not anymore." She moved so that she was beside him still holding his hand.

"Right, I can't think of anything more exciting to start our story." He agreed squeezing her hand.

"Oi! Miss White and the Alchemist!" Their combined agility scores shouldn't have been high enough to warrant the speed that their hands separated. Both their eyes widened in shock at the sound of the voice calling from behind them.

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