"A friend informed us. Thought it might be something suited to our playstyle." Jayce explained.

"I see. Well, if that's the case we can approach this together. I know the route and now I'm personally interested in seeing your playstyle." For a moment Jayce felt a chill run down his spine, but it was gone just as quickly as he felt it. If this man knew the route, then it only meant one thing. He had done this before...in the beta.

"Are you sure, I don't want to cause you any trouble." A third person would add to their safety, and if his suspicions were correct about this man being a former beta tester then he could guide them safely.

"You both physically look the part. If you have the <<Hiding>> skill, then much of this should be simple for you. The rest will rely on your wits." Jayce looked over at Jemza whose eyes were slightly wider than normal. Under the mask she had to be grinning and very much in favor of the help being offered.

"Sure, thanks for having us. Just let us know what you need and we'll do our part." Jayce said holding his hand out. The man reached out and shook his hand before repeating the process with Jemza. Jayce opened the invitation window and sent the request. After the man tapped his acceptance a third health bar appeared in the upper left portion of Jayce's view. Underneath his and Jemza's health bar read his name and a full green bar.

"PoH? Sounds like an acronym." Jemza read his name out loud looking at him questioningly.

"Something like that, come on this way." They followed behind him as he walked along the wall towards the edge of the mountain. The wall turned ninety degrees along the edge of the mountain until it connected to the building itself. PoH peered around the corner before pressing his body against the wall preparing to shimmy along the edge of the mountain and the wall.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Jemza watched the man disappear around the corner without looking back. Jayce put his hand on the small of her back and urged her forward gently.

"Come on we can do this." They both reached the edge feeling the wind brush over their faces fluttering Jayce's cloak slightly. Far below the open savannah stretched out as far as they could see. A very narrow ledge of loose rocks and dirt was the only thing between the wall and open air.

"I liked you better when you were scared all the time and not so confident." Jemza muttered following PoH's example pressing against the wall and side stepping along the narrow path. Jayce followed a few seconds behind her until all three were slowly moving towards the buildings sheer wall.

The main building of the estate looked to be four stories high made of stone and wood. Windows dotted the wall of the building in various locations, but otherwise from their vantage point they couldn't see anything more. A bit ahead of them, PoH reached the point where the wall met the four story building. He reached up where a piece of wooden trim wrapped around the structure. With one swift motion he kicked off and began moving hand over hand while dangling out over open air.

"This was supposed to be fun. When does the fun start?" Jemza growled turning to look at Jayce.

"It's like we're spies. Think of it like an adventure." Watching PoH move so fluidly through this route was already beginning to take its toll on Jayce's nerves. The thought of hanging over the Savannah hundreds of feet in the air was not supposed to be part of the plan.

"Uh huh, if we survive this my fist is going to have an adventure on your face." Jemza's threat only made the nervousness rise. They both reached the building and with a deep breath Jemza followed the same pattern PoH used and she kicked out into the open.

"Nice, hang on." She was too focused on her movements, but he could sense her fury nonetheless.

"Thanks for the tip. Come over here so I can show you my appreciation." Jemza's retort was strained as she worked her hands slowly along the trim. Jayce began his climb across the open expanse a bit behind her. Ahead of them PoH carefully rounded the corner of the estate where it jutted out over the mountainside and vanished from sight. Both Jayce and Jemza had to be quick since they did not have the <<Climbing>> skill and after too long their grip would fail.

Jemza slid her hands around the corner of the building and saw PoH ascending up a series of wooden beams spaced just enough to function like a ladder. She silently prayed to whoever would listen that her grip would last long enough. A window clicked open at the top of the beams and PoH slipped inside quickly before popping his head back out and holding a hand towards her. She reached the beams and ascended as quick as her character would allow until she grabbed his hand and felt him pull her up into the window.

Jayce dropped down onto the wooden floor from the window a few moments later. They both took a few breaths to calm down after the treacherous journey they had just endured. Surprisingly, PoH seemed like the trip had been nothing more than a walk down the street. He moved towards a doorway nearby leaning against the wall before glancing through it. His <<Moonlit Silver Dirk>> glinted as he pulled it free from the sheath under his poncho.

"The document location is randomized so from here on out we search. The guards are heavily armored and their weapons hit hard. Avoid them if you can, but if not make sure you drop them fast before others notice or we will be overrun. Don't hesitate because of how they look." PoH whispered after returning to where the two waited.

Jayce understood what he meant. These would be the first enemies encountered that resembled real people. Even knowing that they were computer generated opponents didn't change the fact that they looked real. Kills animals, plants, and humanoid creatures was one thing, but another human could be difficult for some. Jayce pulled his <<Anneal Blade>> from its scabbard while Jemza also gripped her dagger. He pulled a few vials off his belt and handed them to her. PoH watched curiously as she slipped them into loops on her belt, the black liquid sloshing around the inside slowly.

"Poisons...you two really are suited for this." PoH opened the flap of his poncho to show his ample supply of vials and flasks as well. Jayce nodded with a grin hidden under the mask.

"We're ready." The man chuckled quietly pulling his poncho tight around him once more.

"Good, it's showtime."

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