"When we both hit level six we got our third skill slot right? You took <<Hiding>> I assume since you are able to sneak around with me. I already had <<Hiding>> so I took the skill opposite to that." Jayce's eyes lit up understanding now where she was going with this.

"<<Searching>>" She nodded in response and as she did her finger slipped under the wall a few inches. With a wide smile she pushed into a shallow depression under the wall creating a loud click.

"You're amazing." Jayce said it in wonder as the brick wall rotated revealing a pathway leading further into the heart of the city. The fear and nervousness from before was replaced with excitement as they two crossed the threshold. The wall spun back into place behind them, but a visible switch to open it once more was attached to one of the buildings beside it.

"It's like a secret passageway." Her voice was as excited sounding as he felt inside.

"What did you mean by assets?" Jayce asked as they navigated the alleyway and his question made her laugh.

"Argo said this would cater to my assets. I thought she was hinting that this quest would rely on me stripping or something." Her laughter died as Jayce looked away hiding within the confined of his hood. She slapped his arm making him bump into the wall of a building beside him.

"Ow!" It didn't hurt, but it was just reflexive to cry out when hit like this. He was thankful that she wasn't angry. She had a playful smile on her face as he glanced over at her.

"Erase whatever image you just had!"

"Yes ma'am." The two laughed following the alley as it began to descend. It turned to the right leading towards a tunnel that carved into the earth below one of the buildings up above. Two torches on either side of the tunnel lit the entranceway. The ominous feeling the pair received as they crossed the archway of the tunnel only made the anticipation more palpable.

The ceiling was about a dozen feet high and wide enough for the pair to walk comfortably side by side. More torches lined the walls keeping the interior lit. Up ahead a simple wooden door was built into the wall at the end of the tunnel. A plaque above the door with an engraving and two final torches on either side were the only other features.

"A bond of blood will light your path." Jayce read the inscription on the plaque aloud as they stopped before the door. Jemza reached out and opened the door revealing a brick wall directly behind it. She shut the door and looked around the room for any clues that might explain how to proceed.

"I'm not picking up anything with my skills so it's a riddle then." Jayce nodded looking up at the plaque once more.

"Everything looks and feels real in SAO, but blood doesn't really exist. If a sword catches you it draws a glowing red line, but otherwise there's no blood." Jemza furrowed her brow as she listened to Jayce. He was right about the lack of blood in the game. With that in mind there had to be something else they could do.

"It has to be the place. This tunnel is below the city and hard to..."

"That's it! Jemza, let me see your hand." Jayce cut her off excitedly holding his hand out. With a moment of reluctance, she stretched her arm out and he took her hand in his holding it palm up. They hadn't equipped their gloves after removing them before and she waited as he ran a finger over her palm gently.

"Are you just trying to fondle my hand or something?"

"Shut up and give me your dagger." His voice was rushed like a kid wanting to open presents on Christmas. Whatever he had figured out was nearing the boiling point in his mind. With her free hand, Jemza reached down and pulled her dagger from its sheath handing over to Jayce.

"Thanks, just trust me alright?" He put the blade against her palm cutting along the skin. She cringed reflexively, her mind waiting for pain, but none came. A glowing red line formed where he had cut a few hit points decreasing from her health bar. He let her hand go and proceeded to cut a similar line into his own hand before holding the dagger back towards her.

"I don't understand." Jayce held a finger up for her to wait.

"We were in Urbus right? A <<Safe Zone>> by definition so we can't take damage. So..." He trailed off waiting for her to catch on.

"We're not in the city anymore." She finished his sentence in astonishment making him nod in return.

"Exactly! We can't bleed, but since we are no longer in the city proper we can take damage. The plaque doesn't mean actual blood. It means this." He took her hand in his and guided it up until both of their cut palms pressed against the plaque. A feint glow emanated from around the edge for a second and a loud click echoed from nearby. To their left a door swung open hidden in the wall, a staircase leading down further. A wide smile appeared over her face and she squeezed his hand in hers.

"Now you're amazing come on!" She jogged towards the door still holding his hand, pulling him along behind her. The descended the staircase nearly two at a time until they came to a landing with another door ahead. With a quick glance over her shoulder at her partner, Jemza pushed the door open.

At least a dozen people turned to look at them. It looked like a bar, but darker and more dangerous. Everyone inside were NPC's, but their equipment and demeanor were mostly uniform. Leather armor, swords, daggers, hooded cloaks, and even masks were worn in various combinations of everyone inside. The pair stepped into the tavern scanning the room as the NPC's stared back.

"New friends I see." A steady calming voice called out making their heads turn towards the direction it came from. A tall, slender woman in dark leather armor approached with her hands held out. Her armor and clothes were similar to Jemza's except that she did not wear tights or a shirt underneath the armor. This meant her thighs and much of her torso was left exposed. A curved cutlass was strapped over her shoulder, her bright red hair tied back behind her head into a neat braided ponytail. The most noticeable feature though was the patch covering her left eye, a red rose etched into the surface.

"Us?" Jemza asked dumbly looking between the woman who now came to a stop before them and the other patrons. The woman reached down and took their hands turning them over until the glowing red lines where they had cut their hands were upraised. The woman grinned releasing her grip. She took a step back and looked between the pair resting her hand on her hip. A glowing yellow exclamation mark blinked into view above her head as her smile widened.

"Aye, welcome to the Thieves Guild."

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