After feeling confident that they weren't being watched he led them to the room assigned to them and opened the door letting Jemza walk in first. He followed behind her taking one last look down either end of the hallway before shutting the door. Jemza fell onto the couch in the room and took a deep breath. A profound look of relief came over her and she looked up at him smiling slightly.

"Sorry, ever since you brought up that the kid we met today may have tried to kill us I've been a bit scared. Every person we passed I kept thinking would pull a knife or something. I can handle mobs no problem, but players killing each other really got to me." She leaned back and closed her eyes looking almost completely back to her normal self.

"Yeah, but we're safe in town." Things were starting to fall apart for him and he was starting to feel very, very stupid.

"I know, but it's still scary that someone could be watching our every move. I'm sure that kid thinks we're dead, but if he found out we're not what would he do? Will he try again? Follow us and ambush us when we least expect it? In a room like this no one can hear or see us so it's the safest possible place. Thanks for being so nice and understanding." The final fragment shattered apart as Jayce realized the girl on the couch wasn't asking to stay with him because of some desire for him. It was because she was scared and looking to feel safe.

"I see." Jayce walked passed her mentally punching himself in the stomach instead of the pat on the back. A pretty girl asked to stay in a room with him and his first thought was that she was interested in him. He couldn't help but feel like a stereotypical man jumping to conclusions. It physically hurt just thinking about it.

"Oh...I get it. You thought I wanted to share a room for other reasons?" His eyes shot open and his head snapped towards the white haired girl who was on the verge of tears from laughter. In his stupor he had forgotten one very important part of Jemza. Her uncanny ability to read exactly what was on his mind.

"I did not!" He sounded like he was in grade school arguing about something. It was pathetic and probably one of the most blatant lies he could tell. It only caused her to howl louder. She even went so far as to fall off the couch clutching at her stomach the whole time.

"Ahaha! That's priceless!" Her fist hit the floor repeatedly adding more to her over dramatization of the entire situation. Jayce sulked on the other side of the room understanding that he deserved everything he was getting right now.

"It's not funny! You didn't exactly explain yourself, what was I supposed to think?" Jemza wiped the tears from her eyes and sat up.

"No, no, you're right. I'm sorry I was just really scared and knew I'd feel safest with you. The game prevents any sort of inappropriate contact, and even if it didn't I trust you. You had the opportunity to before and did nothing so there was no need to worry." With the laughter gone from her voice she now spoke normally and honestly.

"I wouldn't do that." This time there was no lie behind what he said. Regardless the misunderstanding he would never do anything to hurt Jemza. Not after what he had done in Horunka. She smiled in response and nodded.

"I know, thank you." She reached up and pulled the cloak off before getting to her feet. She approached and held it out towards him. He took the cloth from her hands and placed it into his inventory.

"You're welcome." He pulled one of the blankets off the bed as well as a pillow and dropped it onto the couch before sitting down. Jemza looked at him quizzically as he spread the blanket out.

"What are you doing?" He looked up at her in response shrugging.

"Making a place where I can sleep."

Sword Art Online-Encroaching ShadowsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang