Yoongi spat on the ground and pinned Jimin against the wall by his neck.
"Monsters, you say? Then how come those monsters are the reason you're still alive?"

"What are you talking about?", Jimin choked.

"Do you have any idea how many gangs have tried breaking into your house to kill you? How many of them almost killed you and your parents while they still had their money? Well, we monsters are the reason they didn't manage to do that."

Jimin was speechless. He had never noticed anything like that. This guy must have been lying.
"Why would people do that? It doesn't make sense", Jimin mumbled.

Yoongi rolled his eyes in disbelief.
"Because you have money kid, that's all that matters nowadays."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. He had never heard something like that before. His parents had always told him he shouldn't go outside because it's dangerous. Was this what they meant?

"I don't care. Let me go!", Jimin protested.

Yoongi's lips twitched before hurling Jimin onto the ground. He made a short gasp upon landing.

"There, there Yoongi-hyung, don't overdo it", an unfamiliar voice called out to him.

Yoongi turned to see Namjoon and Jin appear from the darkness of the alleyway.

"Who are you? Are you some thieves or gangsters?", Jimin gasped.
"Do you want my money too?"

Jin chuckled.
"No. We came to help you out."

"Help me? With what?"

"We heard about your parents", Namjoon stated.
Bangtan had been receiving several assignments to protect the Park family from gangs and such.

Jimin felt the bitter tears forming in his eyes again. "So? I don't want your condolences! I don't need you to tell me you're sorry!"

Yoongi snickered under his breath before Namjoon spoke again.
"I'm not sorry. My parents tried to poison me as an attempt to get rid of me", he coldly said.

Jimin gulped at Namjoon's grim expression. He didn't know what to reply.

"We all have our own issues", Jin stated.
"That's why we're very much alike, you and us."

"We're not alike!", Jimin argued and got up again.

"Why? You think you're better than us?", Yoongi asked.

"No! I would never be able to kill someone, that's just wrong", the younger uttered.

Namjoon threw a sceptical gaze at Yoongi for telling him already.

"Well then, if you saw a man trying to rape a girl and you had a gun in your hand, what would you do?", Namjoon questioned calmly.

Jimin was caught aback by the question. "I-uh..."

"Would you just let him do it because you can't bare to kill someone?", the leader continued.

"N-no, I'd call the police!"

"There is no police. They can't do anything about it."

Jimin struggled internally. He'd be too afraid to be in a situation like that.
"I don't know!"

"You'd just let it happen?", Yoongi angrily asked.

"No I wouldn't! But I couldn't just-"

"You couldn't kill the man?", Namjoon completed.

Jimin felt his head nerly overheating. Why were they even asking him these questiones?
"I don't know, okay?? I've never thought about things like that!"

Who you used to be - [p.jm]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz