Chapter 5 - Sex Slave

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Chapter 5 – Sex Slave

[Brittany's POV]

"I don't understand what you're saying," I frowned.

"You don't need to understand," he smirked at me. "You may be intellectually smart but you're not that street-wise to be able to comprehend what I'm saying,"

"Don't belittle me," I glared at him. "You're a sadist and it frustrates me to know that I somehow ended up as your target,"

My hatred for Dave grew stronger that I wanted him gone and out of my sight forever. He was an introvert but as well a devil in disguise. I guessed mysterious people like him tend to have had a terrible personality.

"I'm not a sadist," he disagreed. "You're the only person that I enjoy tormenting,"

"That makes no difference,"

"It does,"

"I fucking hate your guts," if it was possible, I glared at him harder that I wished that he would burn right under my gaze.

He immediately walked in my direction and out of reflex, I walked backwards.

I didn't want to be anywhere near him...but that was me asking for too much.

He grabbed hold of my left wrist, pulled me and pushed me on top of his bed. Before I could even stand up, both of his hands pinned my wrists whilst his right thigh was resting in the space between my legs.

"G-Get away from me," I struggled but it was of no use. I could see him grinning since I was sure that he was enjoying what was happening.

"No can do, princess," I didn't know why he had the habit of calling me a princess. Even if I was a princess in his eyes, why the hell was he treating me like this? His face lowered until I could feel his breath on my neck. I squirmed under him and it was impossible for him not to notice. "It seems like your body is very...reactive,"

In an instant, he began to trail kisses down my jaw and I resisted the urge to moan. The last thing that I needed to do was to succumb to his desires. Even without knowing where my sweet spot was, he bit and sucked on my skin, leaving a mark that I was sure that it was impossible for other people not to see.

"S-Stop it," I tried to make my voice sound frustrated but it came out as a moan instead as he continued to attack the same spot. He pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes before attacking my lips. I tried to resist his dominance but he managed to penetrate my mouth with his tongue.

His left hand held both of my wrists in place and his right hand wasted no time in groping my left breast. He changed his position and brought both of his thighs in between my legs.

Before I could even let my guard out, he started to grind onto me hard.

I didn't know why I was turned on by this.

I should be angry bu—my phone ringing interrupted the both of us. Much to my surprise, Dave stood up and said, "Answer your phone,"

I sat up and let out a huge breath before looking at the screen of my phone that was in my back pocket. My eyes widened when I saw Paul's name in the caller ID.

"I need to go," I told Dave and without waiting for his response, I ran away from his house.


I came to a place where Paul wanted to meet up when I talked to him on the phone a couple of minutes ago.

I arrived at the mall and went to the restroom first to make myself look presentable. I sprayed a lot of perfume on my body just in case Dave's scent lingered on me. Dave smelled like a guy's perfume so I knew that Paul would notice.

I needed to play safe.

I just had to keep up with Dave so my secret wouldn't be out of the bag. According to what he said, I just needed to be his personal pleasure for a month, right? A month would just flash in front of my eyes in an instant.

I just needed to be patient.

I went out of the restroom and waited in our meeting spot. A few minutes later, Paul arrived, looking as handsome as ever.

He tackled me in a hug when he approached me and I couldn't help but inhale his familiar scent. I missed going out with him like this.

"What's up with the sudden date?" I asked with a smile. I was just so happy that he asked me out on a date.

"I just missed you," he flashed me a million dollar smile. "But first, I want you to tell me something,"

"What is it?" I tried to play innocent but I knew of what he was going to ask.

"Why are you with Dave Roberts?" Paul frowned. "Or is it your plan to make me jealous? Because let me tell you, it's working."

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