Family is only skin deep: Epilogue

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7 months later

 My dad had been surprised when I’d knocked on the door the day after I left Scotland but he was pleased of course, so so pleased. Until I told him I was pregnant. Again. He shouted he’d screamed he was angry, I didn’t tell him who the dad was just that it had happened when I was drunk once. I knew that made it worse but he eventually accepted it and started to support me, he went to the scans with me, he helped me with the baby’s nursery and I eventually started at art school. It was great, I loved it, I had so many friends there it was unreal. The school knew about my pregnancy and had planned to help me through it all.

It was October now, I was 7 months pregnant and had planned to see someone. I’d told my dad exactly where I was going and who I was seeing and he just nodded and let me walk out the house and to the bus stop, I clambered onto the bus and sat down at the back with my earphones in as I travelled down to the middle of town. I got off at the last stop and walked for about 10 minutes until I got to my destination. I took a deep breath and walked down the drive until I reached the gleaming white door, I pushed it open and walked up to the desk. “Erm hi I’m here to visit-“ I started before a piece of paper was shoved in my face, I took the pen in my face and filled it all in. I removed my phone and my iPod from my pockets and handed it to the man before I sat down on a seat “Does he know I’m coming?” I asked the man who just shook his head at me.

I sat in silence for about 5 minutes before I was called out and taken into a room, I’d been in a place like this before. Loads of different people sat around seeing people they may not have seen in a long time. I scanned the room before my eyes stopped on who I was looking for, his hair had grown back to the way it had been before and he had heavy stubble but I walked down the aisle and sat down in the seat opposite him “Kaitlin!” Barry exclaimed when he looked up at me, I smiled at him before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him as he wrapped himself around my waist. He stayed like that for a couple of seconds before we were told to pull apart which we did.

We sat down opposite him and I took his hands in mine, he nodded down at my now large stomach “Little boy” I said and I watched as he smiled but I saw it falter a little “Who’s?” he asked and I took a deep breath “Mr Reid’s…” I whispered, I didn’t look up to see his expression but I knew it would’ve been shock as he didn’t reply for a minute or two. “I’m sorry” Barry said and I looked up at him, I smiled a little as he placed his hand on my cheek. It was like we’d forgotten exactly where we were and neither of us cared one bit, it was just me and him sat there with his hand on my cheek and my other hand in his free one. “You don’t need to apologise Barry, I understand why you did what you did and I’ll never stop loving you not ever and I’ve missed you so much since you left, since you came into prison” I admitted and I saw a smile spread across his face, not a cocky smug smile, a genuine happy smile. “Will you give me another chance? I promise I won’t blow it” Barry whispered, I looked at him and nodded yes “Of course I will, I love you so much” I whispered and giggled a little as he dragged his finger along my cheek. “I’ve only got another month left in here then I’ll be out and I’ll be there for you, I’ll be the best boyfriend ever I’ll be the best daddy to the little tike I promise because I love you so much” he said and that’s how we started.

In a prison meeting room with his hand on my cheek, he wasn’t perfect and neither was I, we were screw up’s, we had all of our mistakes on our backs everything that we did wrong would come and haunt us eventually but in that moment I didn’t care because although Barry wasn’t perfect. He was perfect to me and I loved him more than I’d ever loved anyone in my whole entire life. We are so perfect.

Short I know but oh so sweet and adorable. I just want to thank you all again for reading and tolerating my shabby writing and late updates because it really does mean a lot to me that people actually take the time to read this story and I love you all hella so thank you so so much! If I do write another Waterloo Road fanfiction it wouldn't be until about June time because of exams but thank you so much for your support through this it means a lot and I'm really sad to see this story end but I think I've ended it in the best way so thanks for everything really means a lot!

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