Chapter 19: Wayne

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It felt almost weird not walking around my house and bumping into Connor once in a while, dad had gone early since he was going down to Rochdale today so I was on my own, I knew that a lot of my year wouldn’t be in school today since they were going to the Julian Noble show to watch the Barry’s. I looked in the mirror as I pulled on my shirt and tie then tucked it through into my skirt and slipped my feet into my shoes, I raced down the stairs, grabbed my bag and walked out the door going up the path and along the pavement to Barry’s house. “You ready, Kace?” I asked when she opened the door “Yeah, just come in for a bit though if you want. Mum’s going crazy mad and that getting nervous for this stupid TV show” Kacey said, I just nodded and walked through the door going to the living room. “Morning love, you’ve just missed Barry” Carol said once I’d walked inside, I smiled a little at her but didn’t say a thing about her mass amount of make-up. “Ya know it’s a shame you weren’t coming today, babe, would have been nice to have your support as well” Carol said, I looked at Kacey and sat down awkwardly on the sofa “Erm yeah sorry I can’t come, dad won’t let me ‘n’ all” I muttered, waiting patiently for Kacey to finish whatever she was doing. “You’re still welcome to come round for dinner tonight though” Carol said, I just nodded and stood up when Kacey came back in, she said bye to her mum and walked out the front door with me.

I walked with Kacey to school; I’d grown quite close to Kacey since becoming friends with her almost a year ago now. “So how come you’re not going with them on the show?” I asked as we neared the school, I looked at Kacey as she sighed heavily “Think it’s pathetic really, showing off all our problems on national TV isn’t going to help anything” Kacey said; I just nodded then froze in place when I saw someone near the school, “Kaitlin?” I heard Kacey’s voice but didn’t look at her. He looked different yes but I knew it was him the second I saw his face “Kaitlin?!” Kacey’s face was suddenly in front of me and I was pulled out of my thoughts “What’s wrong?” she asked, concern written on her face “Nothing” I said, I pushed past her and walked with my head down hoping he wouldn’t see me but it was too late “Hey get off ‘er” I heard Kacey shout as his hand gripped the top of my arm and he pulled over to the bike shed. “What do you want, Wayne?!” I shouted at him, I let my eyes move over to where Kacey was, she looked at me but I gave her a warning look to stay back. “I want to hear you say it” he said, walking around the bike shed “What the fuck you going on about Wayne?! I ain’t seen you for nearly 2 years why you here?!” I snapped at him, he kept walking but turned to me “I WANT YOU TO APOLOGISE FOR IT, FOR WHAT YOU DID!” he screamed at me, I stumbled back a little, scared from his volume of voice which I hadn’t witnessed in so long. “You-you lied to me, Kaitlin” he said in a quieter tone “Wayne that was 4 years ago for fuck sake just let it go!” I snapped back at him and went to leave but he grabbed my arm and pushed me back against the wall “I don’t give a shit how long ago it was, I want to hear you apologise and I want to hear you mean it!” he growled in my face, “I’m not apologising Wayne, I’m glad what I did, gave me the easier option away from you! I don’t care how long ago it was; you stabbed my fucking dad then denied it for god knows how long! I don’t give a fuck if my dad forgave you, I’m not!” I shouted at him, he stared at me a second then brought up his hand before slapping me across the face. “No fucking wonder ya girlfriend kicked ya out, Wayne, you’re a piece of scum and I hate you! Why can’t you just fuck off? Nobody wants you, Wayne, nobody does!” I shouted at him, he was taken aback a little and I took my opportunity and ran past him but he yanked me back again. He threw me even harder against the wall and kneed me between the legs, causing me to fall to the floor in pain, he started kicking me and shouting stuff at me. “Oi!” I heard someone shout but I couldn’t grasp who’s voice it was, after a couple of minutes I felt the pressure against my skin leave my body and opened my eyes to see Wayne running towards the gate “THIS ISN’T OVER!” I heard him scream as he ran down the pavement. I looked up a little to see Mr Clarkson looking over me with Christine and Connor and Kacey at the front of the bike shed. “What was he doing here?” Mr Clarkson asked once he’d gotten me on my feet “Nothing” I lied, Mr Clarkson didn’t say a word as Christine came over and helped me limp inside. They took me to the nurse and Mr Clarkson stayed with me before helping me to the cooler. He left me for a couple of minutes to “allow me time to cool” before coming back with the school counsellor. “Right, Kaitlin, I want you to tell us what happened and why Wayne was in school” Mr Clarkson said, I just looked at him and didn’t say a word “That’s not your business sir” I simply said and looked down at my hands “We can’t help you unless you talk to us” the counsellor suddenly said “It’s less your business than it is his, it happened in Rochdale, it’s in the past and it doesn’t fucking matter so just leave me alone!” I snapped glaring at Mr Clarkson “Please, Kaitlin” he pleaded “No, Mr Clarkson, you’ve been right good to me since I came to Waterloo Road. You never pushed me into telling you anything so why’s now so different, huh? What happened between me and Wayne is our business, nobody else’s but ours. Why can’t you idiotic teachers just keep your noses out of other people’s business for once?” I shouted at Mr Clarkson then stormed out the room with my bag slumped over my shoulder. I basically stomped down the corridor to the lesson I was supposed to be at “Ah nice of you join us hum I’m guessing you’re Kaitlin” the teacher said when I walked in; I didn’t recognise him so he must have been new. “Whatever” I grunted and sat down at an empty table and rested my head on my arms.  I didn’t listen for the whole lesson I didn’t even look up until “And what’s the answer to that, Kaitlin?” Mr Windsor asked me, I looked up and around at the class “Don’t know and I don’t fucking care either” I said, causing everyone to laugh as I lay my head on the desk again. “I’ll ask you again, what is the answer to my question?” he asked, anger rising in his voice “And I’ll answer you again, I DON’T KNOW AND I DON’T CARE!” I shouted at him before storming out of the classroom, I walked straight through the halls and out the front doors before walking out the gates. I ran to the bus stop and got on the bus to the TV studio where they were filming the Julian Noble show, I’d had enough of it all. Mrs Barry trying to keep Dyn and Kevin apart, I’d even had enough of Barry, I’d had enough of being scared of everyone so once I got off the bus I just walked straight into the studio like I was supposed to be there and luckily got away with it until I got right backstage of the show. “Excuse me who are you?” a woman with blonde hair asked, I watched her as she glanced down at my bruises obviously judging me on them already which just pissed me off even further. “My boyfriend and my best friend is out there and I don’t appreciate this fucked up thing happening” I snapped, the woman just stared at me before running off out onto the stage. After a couple of minutes I heard Julian say “It appears we have another guest to come out, it seems that Dynasty’s best friend and apparently Barry’s girlfriend has made an appearance” he said, I dumped my bag on the side and quickly pulled my hair back, watching as Barry, Carol, Dynasty, Kevin and some woman I didn’t know turned and saw me. “So erm let’s welcome Kaitlin to the stage” he said and I just walked on as casually as I could. I saw that they’d put a chair next to Carol, I walked over and picked it up putting it down again next to Dynasty. “So, Kaitlin, I can obviously tell you’re quite torn in all of this, being the best friend and girlfriend of both sides” Julian said to me, everyone was basically on the edge of their seats looking at me “Nope, not torn at all, Julian, I’m with Dyn all the way and I don’t care who says a thing about that” I said confidently, looking even giving Barry a first glance. I looked at Dynasty and smiled at her, then noticed the woman looking at me “May I ask who she is” I nodded at the woman, “I’m Kevin’s mother” she said in a raspy tone, Julian ignored her and turned back to me “And why are you for Dynasty?” he asked, it was then that I looked at Barry, I saw his face as he saw the bruises on my face but didn’t give him the time of day as I turned back to Julian “She set her up with a rapist. She can’t accept that her own daughter is happy. Funny though, she obviously can’t stop her own kids seeing the people they want to, she tried to split me and Barry up last term and failed at that and now she suddenly accepts our relationship?! Bullshit, she just wants everything she can get to have money, she doesn’t care about her family cause if she did then she wouldn’t be here, she’d be sat at home and be happy for her daughter” I concluded and sat back in my chair, everyone was silent after I’d finished, I took Dynasty’s other hand and squeezed it lightly before we turned as the woman on the end spoke. “I think you need to learn about how hard parenting is, love” she said, the anger that built up inside of me over the last year and a bit was pretty much ready to explode out of me “Oh don’t I? Do you think you know how hard my own life has been? Net alone parenting?! Did your dad get stabbed then run over in the space of a couple of months huh?! Did you get dragged into gangs because you thought you loved someone?! Get forced into sex on multiple times?! And not even to mention I do know a thing or two about parenting thanks, I went through it for a year thanks so don’t you dare sit there and tell me I don’t know about how hard something can be when you don’t know everything about someone” I shouted at the woman before walking off the stage.

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