10 years later

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10 Years later

It was 6.56 on a Monday morning, I was fully dressed already, hair and make-up looking perfect for my first day at my new job. "Ash come on wakey wakey" I said to my daughter as I walked into her bedroom, I shook her slightly under the covers and her eyes eventually opened "You don't wanna be late for your first day at the new school" she nodded her head and I walked out her room leaving her to wake up.

Once I heard Ashleigh enter the bathroom I walked back into my own bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed as my husband's eyes slowly opened "morning darling" he said to me in a groggy morning voice, after 11 years I still found his morning voice as attractive as ever. "You look beautiful Kait" he said and pecked my lips before allowing me to go and wake our other children. "Levi baby come on wake up sweetheart" I say to my little boy as I sat on the edge of his bed rubbing his back to wake him up. "Morning mummy" he said to me a small smile on his face. I kissed his head then helped him get out of bed as I heard Barry wake up our daughter Poppy. To say neither Ashleigh nor Levi were Barry's children he'd taken them both on amazingly which made me love him even more.

7.52 and everyone was washed, dressed and fed. "Right, Levi and Ashleigh in my car. Poppy will be going in daddy's car" I said to everyone as they sat at the table just finishing the last of their breakfasts. 2 minutes later and I was locking the front door and kissing my husband goodbye "Go knock 'em dead sweetheart, you'll do great I know it" Barry said before we parted ways and went to our own cars. Once I'd started the car and driven off along the road I allowed Ashleigh to choose the radio station, singing along to the song that was playing.

8.13, I left Ashleigh in the car as I took Levi's hand and skipped along the path with him into school, I took him to reception and asked where the breakfast club was being held. Once finding out he tightened his grip on my hand as he realised I'd have to leave him on his own, I bent down in front of him and cupped his face in my hands. "Listen to me okay, you're going to be fine baby. It's just like your old school okay and remember your teacher knows you get nervous and scared so if you feel it coming on all you have to do is go and talk to her okay? Remember? We met her the other day, you said you liked her" I told my son and smiled as he nodded, we hugged and I kissed his head before walking out of reception and going to breakfast club.

At 8.25 on the dot I had parked my car in the drive of the school I knew all too well, I got out the driver's seat and stared up at my old school. Nothing had changed but the pupils attending, the person in charge and probably some of the staff. I smiled as my daughter joined beside me and I put my hand in hers before walking up the front steps and through the front door.

I walked through the familiar school up to the reception to enrol Ashleigh properly into the school, once I walked through the reception door and realised who was sat behind the desk a huge smile spread across my face. "Miss Rhiannon Salt" I piped up and laughed a little when my red headed old friend jumped at the name and looked up from her computer, an equally big smile spreading across her face. "Miss Kaitlin Byrne" she said and got up from her chair, we hugged each other, quickly pulling apart when the office door opened. "Ah Kaitlin, I thought you'd bailed on me before you'd even got started" Vaughan Fitzgerald, the headmaster laughed. I smiled at him before following him into his office once again.

"So Ashleigh you'll be going into year 10 this year, your chosen subjects for GCSE are Graphic Designs, Home Economics, Geography and Art. I see you got your mothers artistic skills then" Vaughan said to Ashleigh who smiled and nodded. Her new headmaster handed her new timetable over the desk before allowing us to walk out of the office, I hugged my daughter and kissed her head before wishing her luck and watching her leave the office. I sat and spoke to Rhiannon in reception for a couple of minutes before entering the staff room when Vaughan did.

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