Family is only skin deep: Chapter 19

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“What’re you doing here?!” I asked, I kept my arms wrapped around his neck but dragged him over the threshold, “I want to come back to school, properly like” Kyle said and wrapped his arms around my waist after dropping his bags to the floor, I rested my forehead on his shoulder and smiled into his jumper, I’d missed him so much. I pulled away after a couple of seconds and took his hand into mine and walked him into the living room. “Oh evening Kyle” Christine said, when I first told her I’d forgiven Kyle for everything she was reluctant to speak to me about it but I’d been able to talk her round and was up to meeting him properly, obviously she didn’t think it would come so soon. “Erm Kyle was erm wondering if he could erm come back to Waterloo Road properly like” I said to her, Christine looked at me then at Kyle before gesturing us to sit down on the other sofa. I sat and listened as Kyle explained and convinced Christine that he had changed and really did want an education, he told her about wanting to be a journalist and wanting to study English and Media. After discussing it for nearly an hour, Christine sighed then smiled “Okay Kyle, I believe that you have changed for the better so later tonight I’ll have Sonya e-mail me an entry form and I will fill it in for you. I will pop into town tomorrow and get you a new uniform to wear” Christine said and I smiled even more before standing up, I walked over to Christine and hugged her tightly before turning around to see Kyle stand up “Kyle? Do you have anywhere to stay?” Christine asked and I watched him shake his head, Christine sighed and said he could stay here for the weekend then he’d talk to Maggie about him staying in the school house. By the time we’d stopped talking things over it was half 11 at night, Christine smiled and sent us both to bed although we didn’t, I pulled Kyle into my bedroom and we laid on the bed together for ages just talking, “I’ve missed you” I whispered to him after a few minutes of silence before we both fell asleep cuddled together.

The weekend went quite quickly and it was soon Monday again, Christine was off this week but she still drove me and Kyle into the school grounds, she walked in with us and took me and Kyle up to the office so we could get Kyle’s timetable. “Oh hello again Mr Stack back for good this time?” Sonya asked when we walked into the office, Kyle smiled and nodded before Christine handed her the form and waited for the timetable to be printed. “I’ll go and speak to Maggie now so I’ll text Kaitlin if you can go and stay there, I’ll pick you up after school Kait” Christine said to us both, me and Christine hugged and she walked out. Kyle held his arm out and I linked mine through his as we walked through the school, the bell hadn’t gone yet and I’d gotten a text from Dynasty to meet her outside so I dragged Kyle behind me as I walked out through the front doors. I’d told Dynasty about Kyle coming back so she didn’t look surprised when she saw him; I wasn’t prepared to see the person who did look surprised. Barry. “How is he?” I asked Dynasty, I let go from Kyle and ran over to my best friend, ignoring Barry completely. I stood for a second with Dynasty as she spoke to her brother before walking back over to Kyle with Dynasty and Carol “Hey Kyle” Dynasty smiled at him and he smiled back saying hey “Now who’s this then?” Carol asked, stopping in front of Kyle. I told her who he was and they shook hands before we walked through the doors into the school building.

By the time we got into school the bell had gone for the start of first period, Dynasty said bye to her mum and we walked to our first lesson…English with “Miss Boston, erm Kyle’s back and he’s erm he’s back for good this time” I told her, she looked at me then at Kyle before shaking his hand and giving him a book “Cheers miss” he said and came to sit with me behind Dynasty and Imogen “Hey again” Imogen said to him and he said hello back, I didn’t know if he actually recognised her or whether he was just being polite but it was sweet of him anyway. About 5 minutes later Gabriella walked in late, I didn’t even look at her I was too busy talking to Kyle and messing about with his hair to notice her sit at the table next to us. Miss Boston soon told me and Kyle to shut up before giving us the work we needed to do and walking out the room to do something. “I’m Gabriella” I heard the snob say and looked over to see her shaking hands with Kyle. I saw a smile form on Kyle’s face and I kicked him hard under the table “Ow what was that for?!” he said to me, pain apparent in his voice. I glanced over to see Gabriella looking at me, a wicked sort of smile on her face “My foot slipped” I said sarcastically and carried on doing the work, I didn’t hear another word come from Kyle’s mouth for the rest of the lesson. After English I had art then went to meet Kyle in the canteen, as I was walking along the corridor I spotted Gabriella and Rhiannon talking, I walked over and pushed Gabriella back into the sports hall. “You talk to Kyle again and you know I’ll be able to beat the living shit out of you” I said to her calmly, she just stared at me as I went to go out again “Move on from Barry pretty quickly then” she said as I walked past her, I turned my head and pushed her against the wall “This has nothing to do with any sort of relationship, you already took Barry I will not let you near Kyle, got it?” I snapped at her, she just stared at me and kept quiet, I let go of her and walked out. I ignored Rhiannon completely and walked down the corridor to where Kyle was stood waiting, he smiled when he saw me and hugged me tight once I was close enough.

Once we got into the canteen, me and Kyle went over to where Dynasty was sat with Maggie “Ah well hello there Mr Stack I here you’ll be joining us in the school house” Maggie said and I smiled at Kyle then at Maggie “Christine asked you?” I asked and Maggie nodded a smile on her face, I sat talking with Kyle, Dynasty and Maggie when Darren suddenly rushed over, he told us about the petition to have Lula stay in the country and shoved it in my face, I sighed and signed it quickly before handing it to Kyle who then handed it to Dynasty and then back to Darren again. Just as Darren left the canteen the bell went for third period, I got up and walked to our literature lesson with Mr Lowsley who allowed Kyle to sit with me again, in front of Dynasty and Imogen instead of behind this time. The lesson seemed to drag on quite a bit but the bell soon went for the end of it and I walked out with Kyle, we grabbed something quick from the canteen before sitting on the steps outside the school. We were sat talking about stuff that had happened in Rochdale when Gabriella suddenly stormed out through the doors, closely followed by Rhiannon, I watched as Gabriella and Barry spoke to each other and smirked a little when Rhiannon ended up getting in the back of the car followed by Gabriella in the front and they drove away. “What happened between you and him? I mean I know you broke up with him when I was here last but it’s like you can’t even look at him anymore” Kyle said to me and I turned to him, I leant back on the step a little and sighed “He stole some money from his sister like last term” I told him and I watched as his lips formed an O shape.

The rest of the afternoon went by quite quickly and I walked out the school gates to see Christine waiting in the car “I’m gonna help Kyle take his stuff to the school house” I said to Christine when I got in the front of the car, she nodded and smiled at Kyle when he got in the back. Christine asked us about our day and we told her about what had happened with Lula on the car ride home, once we got back to the house I quickly changed then took one of Kyle’s back and walked with him round to the school house. “Afternoon Kaitlin, Kyle” Maggie said when she opened the door, I smiled and stepped over the threshold followed by Kyle “Kyle’s going to be having your old room Kaitlin so if you want to take him up there” Maggie said, I nodded and walked up the familiar stairs to the second floor, I pushed open the door and walked inside. I spent about an hour helping Kyle to unpack his things before we sat down on the bed I used to call my own “Why did you kick me in English when I was talking to that Gabriella girl?” Kyle asked me, I looked down at my hands in my lap and took a deep breath before explaining to him everything that had happened with Barry since he returned, Kyle was silent for a few seconds before I felt his hand under my chin and I was looking at him again “I’d never hurt you like that” he said then kissed me, it felt right like I’d been waiting for this my whole life. I felt his hands on my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck and we stayed kissing for what felt like forever.

I didn’t stay at the school house long since Christine had text me saying dinner was nearly ready “Kaitlin?” Kyle said when I was walking through the door, I turned around and smiled at him which is when he said it “Will you take me back?” he asked, my smile grew even wider as I nodded and threw my arms around his neck, kissing him softly. I felt him giggle like a little kid against my lips before I pulled away and pecked his lips once more and skipped off down the drive. As soon as I got in through the door of my now home I ran straight upstairs, I’d only realised at lunch that I hadn’t started for my period yet, I’d been due last week. I quickly went to the toilet but started crying while I was in there. I was late. Again.

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