Family is only skin deep: Chapter 20

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“Kaitlin get up now!” I heard someone practically scream in my face, I groaned and rolled over in my bed, when I opened my eyes I was met by Christine’s face and jumped a little “Alright, alright I’m up I’m up” I sighed and sat up in bed, Christine smiled and nodded before walking out the room, I looked at the clock to see it was 7 o’clock in the morning. I sighed and got out of my warm and cosy bed before going into the bathroom, I quickly washed then washed my hair before getting ready for a long day at school. Once I was dressed and fed I got into the car and drove into school with Christine. Once we were in the school gates I said see you to Christine and went over to where Kyle was stood at the bottom of the steps “Hey” I ran over and kissed him quick before putting my hand in his and walking into the school building. “Hiya!” Imogen exclaimed when she saw us coming over, she looked down at us holding hands then smiled at me and pulled me into a hug “Glad you’re over Mr Reid” she whispered to me and I hugged her back, a fake smile now on my face as we pulled apart and went down the corridor to form.

“Morning sir” I said in a sing song voice to Mr Lowsley as me, Kyle and Imogen walked through the door, he laughed at me a little “Someone’s happy today” he said and smiled again as I sat down at a table with Kyle and Imogen. “Ooh I am Mr Lowsley” I said and I watched him laughed again as I turned to Kyle and started talking to him about something. “Have you heard from Dynasty this morning?” I whispered to Imogen as Mr Lowsley did the register, she shook her head and I said me neither before listening to my form tutor. “Sir” I shouted out once Mr Lowsley had finished talking and he spun round to face me, he raised his eyebrow urging me to continue “How long do the police interview things take?” I asked and I watched him as he thought for a moment “You know Kaitlin, I don’t actually know but I’m sure Dynasty will get in touch when she’s out” he said and smiled before going back behind his desk, I just nodded and carried on talking with Imogen and Kyle until the bell went for first period. When the bell went the only bit of moving I did was to the opposite side of the table with Kyle, we had English first with Mr Lowsley and we had the great fortune of Gabriella on our table, next to Imogen. Gabriella wasn’t in our form so I glared at her as she walked in the door and sat down “Careful Kaitlin if you keep making that face it’ll stay like it permanently” she said as she got her stuff out her bag, I looked at Kyle but he shook his head no, he knew I just wanted to say something back but he also didn’t want me to get into trouble so he just grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it lightly causing me to smile. We were made to go into pair and discuss the book we were reading, I was about to say something to Kyle when I heard Imogen’s phone go off “Is that Dynasty?” I asked and she nodded, showing me the text “We’re supposed to be a pair meaning you’re not meant to be texting too” Gabriella said, saying the texting bit louder so Mr Lowsley could hear, Imogen explained that it was Dynasty and he even told Imogen to wish Dynasty good luck from him too.

English went quite quickly really and I was soon parting ways with Kyle and going to my art classroom although I was just getting my stuff out when Christine came in, I smiled at her and she smiled back “Erm can I borrow Kaitlin please” Christine said to my teacher who nodded and I walked out the classroom. “What’s this about?” I asked but Christine didn’t answer me as we walked down the corridor going towards the auditorium, when we entered I walked over to where Imogen and Rhiannon were sat “What’s this about?” I whispered to Imogen and she just shrugged before we turned back to the front where Christine and Miss Boston were stood. “This morning, we confiscated a mobile phone from another pupil. His phone had indecent images on it and I’m afraid all of you have been identified in those images” Christine said and my eyes widened a little in shock, I looked at Rhiannon when she whispered she knew who it was but I didn’t say anything since Christine started talking again “Some of you probably know who this person is – I would appreciate your discretion in keeping his identity confidential” Christine said and I looked at Imogen and Rhiannon in shock “So he took indecent pictures of us and we’re not even allowed to know who ‘he’ is?!” I snapped, I tried to shout but I was so angry I wanted to hit something, preferably the person who took these pictures. “How many of these indecent pictures did he even take?!” Imogen shouted out after me, obviously just as angry. I watched as Christine and Miss Boston exchanged looks before Christine concluded with “A lot” which angered me even more since we weren’t even allowed to know who this sick bastard was. “He’s violated our rights. What are you going to do about it?” Gabriella asked, she seemed to be the calmer out of us all since she didn’t shout, just spoke in her normal tone and volume. “I will be contacting your parents and guardians, the police, if necessary and we will stamp it out. Even if it means a complete ban on mobile phones in school” Christine said to us all, I just sat and stared at her before turning to Imogen and Rhiannon again. “Why can’t you just expel the boy?” I said to Christine and she looked at me and sighed a little “Don’t worry about anything, the boy in question will be severely punished. Myself and Miss Boston will be around if anyone would like to talk to us and pastoral care will be fully staffed” Christine said just as the bell went and we were told to go to break, I watched as Christine and Miss Boston walked out the auditorium before turning to Rhiannon urging her to reveal who it was “Darren Hughes”

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