Chapter 4: The Boy

Start from the beginning

His eyes dropped back to the floor, his head tilting in my direction, "What do you possibly need of me?" His whisper was light on my eardrums. A small smile played on my lips. I had gained his cooperation. I looked up at the Watcher, "If I were to get you the next shift off in order to assist me with government work, would you promise to accommodate?"

The boy smirked, demonstrating the outstanding characteristics of his handsome face. "Would I have a choice?" he asked the question playfully, a sarcastic twist to his voice. I smiled again, lifting myself to my feet. The Watcher eyed me closely as I made my way over to him. I lifted my chin, projecting my dominance, "The young Mutt against the wall," I gestured to the boy, "He is to have the next shift off, as he is an important role in improving our government system. A Mutt's brain is always needed for research. Thank you," I nodded my head, turning away from the Watcher.

I beckoned the boy to follow me, his confusion slightly obvious as I led him to the end of the hall. Most buildings in District A were designed to have rooms at the end of each corridor, built for isolation of Mutts. I placed my palm in the reader, allowing it to swing open before I followed the boy into the room.

"How are you so powerful?" the boy asked, his voice echoing through the empty room. There were two metal chairs sitting in the center of the room. The Mutt stood against the wall, his eyes flickering to the ceiling.

"I am a Sorter from the Exam Facility. There are few jobs higher than mine, besides, of course, the government itself," I slid into one of the two seats. I gestured to the other, "You may have a seat."

The boy stood still, seeming awestruck by my invitation. My stomach filled with a butterfly feeling, realizing that my offer was probably the first this Mutt had ever received. He slowly moved across the floor, lowering himself into the chair across from where I already sat.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat before he spoke quickly, "Thank you." He turned his head away, a habit of his that I intended to break, "for taking me off of my next shift."

I nodded, "It was no problem. I am hoping you can help me further my research." I scooted the chair closer to him, again making him shift in discomfort. The Mutt chewed nervously on his bottom lip, "Why exactly are you researching Mutts? It had not occurred to me that Idols even gave a fuck about us." His face turned red, "I apologize for my language."

I grinned, clasping my hands together in my lap, "You do not have to treat me as your superior." I squinted my eyes, curious of his being. He did not speak in fast paces, or even slurs. He formed his sentences better than many Idols I had met. I leaned back in my chair, examining his facial features, "What is your name?"

"Benin." His answer was quick, like he had been waiting his entire life for someone to ask him for his name. I nodded, "Well, Benin, how old are you?"

He bit hard into his lip, counting the years across his finger tips, "Twenty-one, Miss," he hesitated, "Ireland, right?" Benin posed the question gently, almost as if afraid to offend me.

I nodded, "A year older than I," I smiled weakly, using every chance to gain his trust. He leaned forwards a little bit, his curiosity more than obviously pricked, "Why did you pick me out of all of those Mutts?"

"Because you lacked fear," I shrugged my shoulders, "Out of all of those beings, boy or girl, everyone of them had the same tension in their shoulders, the same nervousness on their faces as they glanced at the Watchers out of the corners of their eyes. But not you," I nodded my head, my smile growing. Benin scoffed, placing his hands on his knees. My eyebrows furrowed, "Why the scoff?"

He shook his head, "You did not call us Mutts."

My spirit collapsed within me, like he had taken a boulder and dropped it straight on top of my heart. I cleared my throat, returning to the task at hand. I followed his gaze up to the ceiling, "How hard must you try to not look an Idol in the eye?"

Benin smirked, not removing his glance, "It becomes easier with time." Silence returned to the room. His statement streamed through my head over and over again as I tried to conjure up a response. I slid my chair forwards until my knees were touching his. He looked at the floor now, his forehead wrinkling in confusion. I slowly lifted my hands, placing them gently on the side of his face. He swallowed hard, closing his eyes as if awaiting for punishment.

"It is alright," I said softly, lifting his head until his eye level met mine. We sat in silence. He stared into my dark eyes, his grey irises penetrating through my pupils. There was no sign of insanity scribbled into his eyes, only pain. His lips curved up into a tiny smile, "So that is what eyes look like."

I let out a short breath, grinning widely as I released my hands from his face. "You can always look  me in the eyes," I held his glance. He shook his head gently, "I have been ordered my entire life to not look an Idol in the face."

I leaned towards him, placing my hands on my thighs, "Benin, as a Sorter, high class of the Idols, I demand that you look me in the eyes when it is just you and I." I finished the sentence with a smile, forcing one back from him.

Scanning his eyes again I formed my next question, "What is like being a Mutt?" He stared at me with a  ghostly expression, like that kind of question was unheard of in his life. He shrugged, leaning back in his seat, "It's like they make you believe. Like we are only slaves in an Idol world, no perks, no comfort, no kindness." He waited, looking straight at me, "like we are nothing but idiots with a malfunctioned brain."

I glanced to the floor, "Why do I not hear your other souls?"

Benin scoffed, "Very few Mutts have problems speaking. It's just the children, those who have not learned to cope yet. It's almost like.."

"Like time is everything," I finished his sentence, quoting Libya. He seemed shocked at my statement, "Yes, exactly." Silence returned, my mind filtering through far too many facts. I swallowed, getting back to my feet. I clutched my bag, reaching for the door handle, "You should be heading back to your room. Thank you for your help."

"Ireland," his hand stopped on my shoulder, leaving me frozen in the open doorway. He faced me, his eyes once again reaching into mine, "Will you come back?"

I hesitated, staring down the hall at the Watcher, who was mindlessly watching the floor numbers changing on the elevator screen. I turned back to Benin, "Of course." I nodded at him before I moved down the hall, leaving Benin with the Watcher as I returned to the lobby. I tossed my visitor badge at the Communicator and rushed to the front doors. I shoved my body through the exit, exhaling heavily as the fresh air tunneled into my lungs. Benin had opened my eyes to something so obvious, something that I was stupid not to see before.

The government was not exploiting the Mutts because they thought they were insane, they were exploiting them because they knew they weren't.



Chapter 4... Let me know how everything is going?! Thanks if you have read this far :*

~ Meah

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