"Evan Hansen, you are the one person in this world who gets me. I don't want you to leave me. I don't mean that in a clingy way, it's just-" Evan giggled at Connor, kissing him.

  "I g-get it." He smiled at Connor, nuzzling into the space under Connor's arm, falling asleep. Connor looked at him, smiling a little. He grabbed his phone off of the nightstand, turning the brightness down and looking through the web. He made sure no light was shining in Evan's face, and eventually set his phone down. He fell asleep, the two cuddling in Evan's bed under the covers.

   A blaring noise woke Connor up. It startled Evan as well. The alarm clock.
  "Shit, your clock is loud." Connor looked at the clock, pressing the snooze button. Evan laughed a little, tired.

"How do you stay up that late?" Evan asked, yawning. Connor shrugged. "I'm going to change in the closet. I-if my mom comes in just umm I-I don't know. Hide?" Evan walked to his closet, squeezing in and somehow changing in the small closet that wasn't built for what he was doing.

While he did that, Connor looked around the room, wondering what Evan liked. The room was pretty empty and plain. Compared to Connor's poster covered walls, Evan's was clean. It was somewhat nice, but Connor would never do that with his own room.

  Evan walked out, in khaki pants and a blue polo. Connor looked up at him, standing.

  "I-Is it possible for you to go out the umm window? There's trash cans right under the window so umm i-it isn't that high. I'll grab you food from the kitchen." Evan looked at Connor awkwardly, Connor grinning.

  "Yeah I've jumped out a window before, Evan." He laughed a little, Evan a little uncertain about that statement. He ignored it, hearing his mother.
  "Quick!" He whispered, Connor opening the window and climbing out quickly. Evan sat on the bed, pretending to look at his phone. Heidi walked in, smiling.

  "Almost done with school!" She smiled and pointed finger guns at him, Evan looking up at her.

  "Are you excited for your job this summer? I know you love nature and trees, so I think it'll be good for you." She grinned, Evan nodding. Connor was standing on the trash can, listening to them. He sighed, hearing how much Heidi loved Evan. He jumped off the trash can, sitting down near the front of the house to wait for Evan.

  Evan grabbed his bag, walked to the kitchen and grabbed two apples. He tried to be secretive about grabbing one more than usual. Heidi didn't notice, Evan walking towards the door.

  "Bye mom!" He called, walking out. He looked around, not seeing Connor. He was confused, looking around near the trash cans. Connor was nowhere to be found.

  "Of course. Why did I think he'd wait for me..." Evan sighed, walking to school and only eating one of the apples.

   Connor was waiting on the sidewalk for Evan when suddenly a car drove up. He looked at the car, seeing the window roll down. He saw his mother, freezing.

"Connor Murphy what the heck are you doing?!" She shouted at him, Connor sighing.

"Get in the car. Your bag is in the back." Zoe said from the passenger seat. Connor opened the door, looking back at Evan's house. He got into the car, slamming the car door closed. He watched Evan's house as he mother drove off.

  Evan walked to school, saddened that Connor had abandoned him. He got to school and walked over to Jared. He gave him the apple.

  "Hey, when did you leave the party?" Jared took a bite of the apple, looking at Evan.

  "Oh, umm. I-I drove in your car home. You can come after school and grab it from my house." Jared nodded, eating the apple. Evan walked over to his locker, Alana running over.

  "How was your date?" She grinned, Evan confused.
  "What date?" He looked at her, realizing what she meant.

  "It w-wasn't a date, Alana... And he left without me this morning. So it's not happening." Evan was disappointed, looking back at his locker. Alana patted his back and walked off. Evan grabbed his things from his locker, walking to class.
He was a few feet from the door, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Evan turned around, seeing Zoe Murphy behind him. He awkwardly looked at her.

"Oh, h-hey Zoe umm..." Evan looked at her confused. She whispered something in his ear.

"I have a bet with Alana and Jared. This doesn't mean anything and according to Alana is testing her theory." She said that, took a deep breath, and grabbed Evan's shirt. She pulled him close to her, kissing him.
Zoe Murphy kissed him. His crush before he met Connor kissed him. What was Connor going to do about this?

Don't start yelling at Zoe or anything I'm going to make this gayer.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm starting to figure out how to advance the plot more so expect chapters to come out faster!

Waving Through Separate Windows | Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now