Camp Jack

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I pull out my phone to check the off the last things on my packing check list. I'm headed to my favorite summer camp for the tenth summer in a row. Camp Waso, my personal summer oasis. My name is Kylie Parker, I'm fifteen and live a pretty average life. I go to high school, lacrosse, and sleep. This year I decided to go to camp with my best friend, Julianne. She's like perfectly gorgeous,sweet and hilarious. I have absolutely no clue how we became friends, but I'm a bit nervous to bring her to camp this year. My camp isn't extravagant, it's pretty simple, just the type of environment I like. However, Julianne is more fast paced, it's too late to back out now though. I see Julianne's mom's van pull into the driveway.


As we drive down the dirt road leading to camp I notice a large group of girls around something. I think to myself that it must be a new couselour who's hot or something. I greet plenty of familiar faces and settle my stuff into Cabin Grace. As Julianne drones on about the lack of quality toliet paper, I zone off. Julianne's high pitched scream brings unfortunately back to reality. "What is your issue?" I sarcastically ask her.


I notice she's pointing to Jack. I never really thought I needed to introduce her to Jack. He's fifteen and has been coming her for as long as I remember. I used to have the silliest crush on him, then we kind of just stopped talking. As far as I'm concerned, he grew up and so did I. "That's Jack."

"JACK DAIL. The famous viner and most attractive male to ever step on this earth."

I'm surprised by this because I didn't even know Jack had a vine. I'm also not surprised because in reality, we hadn't talked in like four years. I put the pieces together and realize that's who the group of girls was standing next to. Julianne asks me if she can go say hi to him and I tell her I don't care.

"Wanna come with?" She asks.

Jack used to be a brother to me. I think it would be totally strange to fangirl over him. I tell her no, and I can already tell these next two weeks are going to be obnoxious.


Hey Guys! Thanks for reading, make sure to comment and add to library. I will update often!

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