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I wake up to whispers around me. I crack open my eyes to see who's talking. I feel around till I find my glasses, placing them on my face. I blink a few times, seeing Ginny whispering to Hermione. Hermione turns her head and spots me.

"Gin, he's up."

Ginny walks over to the bed, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Good, your not running a fever. I still want you to take it easy. I'm going to make some breakfast up here,  okay?"

"Okay," I reply. Hermione leaves with Ginny and I soon hear sounds of cooking and can smell bacon being fried. I sit up against the head board and sigh. My eyes feel heavy and my scar dully aches as I fall back asleep.   

The room is dark. I can hear shallow raspy breaths. Wormtail comes into view. I'm looking down at him. I have no control.

"Please master, please show me mercy." he cries.

"You do not deserve this Petigrew. But I will grant it to you." A stern raspy voice that isn't mine speaks. I'm waving a wand toward Wormtail. Where his hand was cut off, a silvery one appears, first looking ghostlike, then almost like a Patronus, finally settling to solid silver metal.

I'm pulled from the dream as my scar burns white hot. I'm screaming and Hermione and Ginny come running in.

"Harry,  what's happening?"

I stop screaming with my hand still pressed hard on my scar. I pull away from the lightning bolt and my hand is covered in fresh blood. I'm left breathing heavily with a pain in my chest.

"W-wormtail. H-he and V-v-Voldemort. They're together. Plotting something." I choke out, pushing my hand against  my still bleeding scar.

"Harry, stop. Let me." Ginny conjures a wet washcloth and starts wiping away the thick blood. She casts a nonverbal spell and my scar closes up. "We have to tell Dumbledore."

"Can we wait for our meeting with him?"

"What meeting?" Hermione asks.

"It's nothing, why don't you go back to the food, it should be done cooking." Ginny covers, looking into my eyes. She traces the scar lightly and I wince in pain. Hermione leaves the room leaving us alone. "I'm sorry."


"I know how difficult it is for you, all this. I mean you just lost your godfather, Harry. You haven't had much time to grieve, what with your uncle and You-Know-Who and that ass Malfoy. And all this pressure to, 'save the world'. This amount of stress can't be healthy. I love you Harry. I know you're unhappy, I can tell a difference, really." she sounds so upset.

"Don't worry about me. You're more important. I'm fine,"

"You're not fine, Harry!" She cries.

"Okay, okay. I'm not fine, but I will be. Now, come here. "I pat the spot next to me on the bed. She lays down next to me. Her head rests on my chest. We sit like that for a while, just being together.

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