Chapter 35: Exorcising The Devil

Start from the beginning

"She made the game fun when she ran." Howard looked as though he wanted to rip Rakes' head off, but he knew that this was Forrest' to deal with. "I can see why your hillbilly brother fell in love. Soft to the touch. Tight." He taunted and winked at Howard.

Forrest had heard enough. Stuffing his fist into his sweater, his heavy, slow steps caused the deputy to cease his trip down memory lane of his encounter with Babette. Rakes' nostrils flared at the sight of the man before him. Forrest stood a few feet away, his head down and his hat pulled low. Lifting his head slowly, Forrest' narrowed eyes zeroed in on the deputy's face seeing a flash of fear consume the monster in front of him.

In the blink of an eye Forrest' brass knuckled fist met the deputy's face with a loud crack whipping it to the right. Forrest turned away unfazed by what he had just done. He proceeded to take his sweater off and then rolled up his sleeves. He grabbed a knife that sat on top of a workbench and turned back to a heated Rakes. Blood from his mouth running down his chin and onto his clothes.

"Y...You piece of shiit." Rakes mumbled and slurred through, what looked liked a broken jaw. Forrest approached Rakes like a predator stalking his prey, just waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. "Aye, Forrest, her moans and whimpers...." Was all Rakes got out before Forrest plunged the knife deep into his left thigh. His blood curdling scream filled the shack. The sound was music to Howard's ears. A evil grin spreading on his face anticipating what was next to come.

Two hours had gone by, but neither Forrest or any of the other men have yet to return. Pop had come in and insisted on taking his granddaughter. I think she is the anchor for our diminishing hope. The one good thing that was given to my family despite all the bad. Eli sat in the waiting room. He couldn't bear to see his little brother in this state. I, on the other hand, couldn't leave him. My eyes traveled between his chest and his face. Watching his chest rise and fall as proof that he is still alive. When I would stare at his face I would just reminisce of all the stuff that happened and all the things that I would trade just to have that back. He's always been the hothead of the bunch, and lord knows I've been on the receiving end of his wrath far too many times, but I will continually live with that if it means he gets to live. Taking his rough hand in mine giving it a gentle squeeze, words start to flow out of my mouth.

"I remember when I was nine. The year mama passed away.... I never wanted to leave her side when she was bedridden. Charlie was only three at the time and he would always try to get me to play with him. Mama would tell me to go, but I remember being scared that she wouldn't be there when I got back. Pop even let me sleep with her cuz I was bein' so stubborn." I chuckled halfheartedly. "One day- One of the many bad days that mama had... you and Eli got me to leave my place beside her bed to go out and get some candy. Mama promised that everything would be fine, but there was something about the way that she spoke to me that felt different at the time. I just couldn't figure out why it felt different until we got back home." I sniffle wiping my nose with the back of my hand.

"We got home a few hours later because you and Eli made sure to keep us occupied..... They were taking her body away when we got there. I don't remember much after that, but I do remember trying to run after them and you grabbed and held me until I stopped fighting. You calmed me down. You kept telling me that mama didn't want me to see her go but I didn't understand why at the time.

I understand now. She didn't want me to see her take her last breath. She didn't want me to have that image in my head. That was probably for the best because all I have are memories of her being alive. Even when she was sick and bedridden she still made those moments happy for me. She knew that I wouldn't leave her side so she fought to survive everyday that I was next to her." I'm crying now. Tears flowing freely down my cheeks.

"On the days that she would beg me to go outside and be a kid- I know those were the days she wanted to give up.... But I stayed and she stuck it out for one day after the other if it meant that I wouldn't be scarred for life with the image of her succumbing to her illness." I start to sob.

"Please don't give up Richie. I will sit here by your side for days- weeks- months on end. Just fight like she did. P-Please. You're a fighter just like mama. I-I know y-you are. You wouldn't be lying in this bed if you wasn't. You're the reason my lil girl is alive and breathing. Jack told me how you got in the way of those bullets that would have surely taken her life.

I need you Richie. We need you. Tragedy after tragedy cannot be the only tale anyone knows of this family. So you fight to stay with us, okay?" I kiss the back of his hand and then rest my forehead on it.

A weak squeeze of my fingers in Richie's hand causes me to look up.

Forrest stood outside the shack puffing on a cigar. His hands and clothes stained with the deputy's blood. Forrest was able to get out his full aggression on Rakes with permission from Babette. He made Rakes feel exactly or if not more pain for the moment that he step foot on the station up until a few hours ago when he held his daughter captive. The last thing Forrest did before he stepped out, was slit Deputy Rakes' throat. He didn't wait to watch him die. He just walked out and left the other men to entertain themselves with watching a rat slowly die. The evil that had tried to takeover Franklin County had finally been purged.


Author's Note: Long wait for this one. Believe me I know and I'm sooooooo sorry for that.

I'm sad to say that this story will be coming to an end in a few more chapters. I'm not quite sure how many exactly. I love this story but all good things must come to an end right? I never thought that my first story would get this much support from you guys. I love you and thank you all!!!! ;-*

The subscribes/likes/comments never go unnoticed.

As sad as it may be for this story to come to an end, I am in fact thinking of doing another one. But I think I will be trying to do an original story this time around. So I hope you guys would give it a shot when I do finally post it.

I don't ask for much just that you read and enjoy and I hope you continue to do so!! :-D

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