April Fools

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Taylor doesn't know if she can do this. Maybe she's going to far with this. What if Karlie thinks she actually wants to break up? Taylor shakes her head. She loves April Fools, she can deal with the consequences later. "Karlie? Can you come here?" Taylor called, getting herself ready.

Karlie walked into their shared bedroom, leaning on the doorway . "Hey babe, what's up?" She smiled brightly, her head tilted a bit to the side like a curious puppy. Taylor's heart fluttered. Hell, she almost awed right there. Karlie was her platinum puppy. Taylor sighed deeply and stared at her feet. "Karlie we, we need to break up. I'm sorry I can't do this." Taylor stated firmly.

Karlie's smiled faded, walking completely into the bedroom. "Tay, what did you just say?" Karlie questioned, her eyebrows furrowed. She turned into a more serious manner.

Taylor was unable to look her girlfriend in the eye, she was beginning to make herself sad. "I'm saying we don't work, Karlie I'm not happy, I'm sorry but it's not fair to you to pretend anymore. We need to break up." Taylor began thinking what Karlie would say next. She can't wait to reveal it's a prank.

Karlie ran her hand through her hair. She looked to the floor and sighed deeply. "You're right." 

Taylor turned away from Karlie. "I'm sorry, don't try to chan-wait what did you say?" Taylor stopped mid sentence. Did Karlie just say what she thought she said? She turned back to Karlie's direction.

Karlie shrugged her shoulders. She walked to their closet, picking up her old duffel bag. "I get it, Tay. I mean, I'm always traveling and I can get stressed and I'll go to bed before you when you want to talk. L-Look, I'll pack and I'll be gone within an hour." Karlie began taking clothes off hangers while Taylor stood there in shock.

Taylor felt like her world was falling apart. She couldn't let Karlie leave because of a prank. Taylor quickly ran towards Karlie, knocking the bag out of her hand. "It was just a prank! Just a prank! Please don't leave, I love you!" Taylor cried, tears streaming down her face.

Karlie smirked and wrapped her arms around Taylor. "April Fools babe." Taylor looked up at Karlie, glassy eyes along with a wet cheeks. "So you're not leaving?" Taylor questioned, her voice low and coated with sadness.

Karlie wiped Taylor's tears. "Of course I'm not leaving you. Just wanted to show you how pranks like this aren't funny." Karlie chuckled, running her hand through Taylor's hair. "You can't get rid of me that easily, babe."

"Yeah, I guess it was a bad idea. But I'm still going to prank you today." Taylor giggled, pulling her body away from her girlfriend's. Karlie laughed and went back to the closet. "I'd be concerned if you didn't, now go plan your prank while I put my clothes away."

////AN:sorry for such a short update, i have many new one shot ideas on the way, and i may be uploading a story soon! like one with chapters and stuff. thank you for reading, love you all and stay safe\\\\

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