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Taylor sat beside her 6 year old son and her wife's bestfriend with her 2 year old daughter laughing on her lap. Her leg was bouncing up and down anxiously and excitedly. Her wife of 7 years was finally coming home. She's been in Iraq for the 4 years. It's been hard for Taylor, but this moment will make up for all the lonely nights she had over the years, when all she wanted was for Karlie to wrap her strong arms around her and whisper 'Everything thing will be ok baby' or ' You are so strong Tay' or just a simple 'I love you'.

"Can't believe she's finally coming home today." Cara broke the silence. She had known Karlie her ever since she came from England. She had been her only friend all through elementary and middle school. She had protected her from all the bullies that made fun of her large bushy eyebrows and strong British accent. "Ya know, if it wasn't for Karls, I'd probably be dead. The bullying got bloody terrible in 7th grade. It was the one day Karlie was sick, and they beat me up. I mean it was bad. Like 2 black eyes, bruised arms and legs, almost a fractured rib. I came to Karlie's house sobbing. She beat them all up so bad she almost got sent to that kid jail place. Sorry, I rant when I'm excited." Cara shot Taylor and goofy smile and Taylor returned a soft smile as Emma laughed and played with her mother's fingers.

"It's alright Cara. I'm really excited. She hasn't even seen Emma in real life yet. She's gonna love her." Taylor looked around the airport. Baggage claim areas busy with people searching for their luggage. Long hallways laced with gates filled with waiting people. Taylor watched a man run fast towards her. "Do you know where gate 13 is?" He asked frantically. "My wife's water just broke." He added a small smile to his demeanor. "Take a right that way," Taylor pointed towards one of the long hallways "Then you should see your gate. Congratulations by the way." Taylor smiled as the man ran his hand through his curly hair. "Thank you so much. You have a beautiful family. I hope your spouse or loved one gets home safe." With that, the man disappeared from her life, most likely forever. Taylor had just heard part of his story. She knew everyone had a story, and she wanted to read everyone's. Out of all the stories she's read, Karlie and her's is her favorite.

"Mommy, is Mama coming home?" Eli, Taylor and Karlie's 6 year old son questioned, looking up from his dog coloring book. Karlie had to leave right after Eli's 2nd birthday. Even though his other mother was out of the picture, he never stopped talking about her. Karlie was his role model. Taylor nodded softly, looking at Eli's light brown dog on his coloring page. "I haven't talked to her since Christmas. It's July. I can't wait to see her again!" Eli smiled a big smile that he saved for special occasions. "Neither can I, buddy." Taylor smiled as Eli began coloring again. Taylor went back to looking around the airport, waiting to see the love of her life after 4 years.

"Flight 143, American Airlines arriving from Kirkuk, Iraq has landed. Welcome home troops." Rang through out the airport. Taylor's attention turned the many army men and women behind the spiny door thing that always made things slower. "Cara, she's almost here." Taylor smacked Cara's forehead since the Brit had fallen asleep, waiting for Karlie. Taylor couldn't help but shake her leg again, excitedly and anxiously. "Wake up babies, Mama is almost here!" Taylor shook both Eli and Emma's shoulders softly. The children just smiled wide and turned their attention to where their mother was looking. The whole group stared intently at the spiney door. Soldier after soldier walked out and ran into their loved ones arms. There was crying, hugging, kissing, laughing, and even one proposal- still no Karlie. This worried Taylor. What if she passed away in combat? Wouldn't they tell me? Yea, they would tell me. Oh god, where is she?

Then, Taylor saw her.

She was walking just like the other soldiers, carrying her bag on her left shoulder. She had no make up on so you could see small cuts across her beautiful face. Her hair tucked into her solider cap. Her sleeves rolled up to her elbow, her wedding ring placed on her ring finger on her left hand. Her face had a scar across her right eye, along with a burn scar on her neck, leading up to her jawline. A small frown stitched across her face.  Karlie turned her head to Taylor's direction, her green eyes filled with tears. Her bag fell to the ground when she locked eyes with her wife. Karlie ran as fast as she ever has. Taylor put Emma on Cara's lap, and she ran, her 2 inch heels clicked against the airport floor. Karlie's Timberland boots raced to Taylor's direction. The couple finally reached each other's warm embrace, and everything was okay in the world. Taylor threw her arms around the soldiers neck as her wife wrapped hers around Taylor's waist. Cara secretly took pictures.

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