Chapter 14:

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  When I woke up I was confused for three reasons.

  1) I wasn't in my bed.

  2) I couldn't move. And-

  3) I wasn't alone.

  Before I opened my sleepy eyes, all the events of yesterday came back to me in a steady stream. The fight with Tyler, dinner with Ben's family, throwing up said dinner, and-

  I snapped my eyes wide open to find myself tangled in Ben. His chin rested on my head, my hands fisted his shirt, his arms wrapped around my waist, and my ankles were locked around his. He looked serene and almost younger in his sleep, but then I remembered his new muscles and told myself he isn't the six year old I met on the playground anymore. For a few minutes I relaxed into him. He was secure and strong, as if he could fight off anything that would dare harm us.

  But then I remembered I have a doctors appointment today. I guess there are some things my best friend couldn't fight off for me. With a reluctant sigh, I inhaled the scent of Ben and tried to detach myself from him.

  After a few minutes of careful movements and Ben stirring, I made it off of the bed without waking him. I scribbled a note for him on a piece of notebook paper I found in his desk.

  Went home. Thanks for everything :) -B

  I sat the note down in the now empty spot on the bed, and I pulled the blanket back over Ben, pressing a kiss to his forehead. I threw on my clothes from yesterday and left Ben's pajamas on Bree's bed. The only noise in the whole house was the hum of cool air spilling out of the vents as I left. Once I got in my car I checked my cell phone. No texts, no calls; only a reminder for my appointment was displayed on the phone screen.

  I had about ten minutes to get there before I would be late. I threw my phone on the dash, and I sped my way to Hope Mercy.

"Nice to see you again," Dr. Jackson said, "On time."

"What's the verdict, doc?" I asked, sitting across from him.

  "Well from your bone marrow sample we took the last time you came, we were able to determine what you're dealing with." He took a deep breath before he continued. "You have acute myeloid leukemia or AML."

  "Okay..." I was gripping onto the armrests of the chair. "Dr. Jackson..."

  "Yes, Bex?" His curious eyes watched me with concern.

  On the way here I decided it was time to tell him about my symptoms. Maybe he could help me deal with them.

  "I've been having some symptoms."

  "What kind of symptoms?" He opened up my file; he had a pen at the ready.

  "Nosebleeds, I get tired and out of breath easy, bruising, and I can't keep food down." I couldn't look him in the eyes.

  "And when did the symptoms start?"

  "The day after my first appointment." I whispered.

  His scribbling down what I said ceased. "What? That's been weeks ago!"

  "I know, I know. I'm sorry."

Bex Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora