New Job

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I wake up and get ready for my first day of work! I'm working at Starbucks.

"Good morning fam! Something really amazing happened this morning!" I smile. "I have 200 subscribers! Yay! Thanks guys! I have to get to work but see you guys later!" I turn off the camera and go to work.

I knew how to make coffee and take orders because I used to work at a Starbucks in Y/S(your state).

I put on my apron and turn on the machines.

I hear the bell ring and I walk over. I take their order and hand them their drink.

"That's not how you spell my name!" The girl screams. "It's K-A-I-T-E-N!" She spells it out.

"Oops sorry." I weak laugh.

I take a few other orders until my shift was almost over. I was the only one there working today.

I hear the bell ring again. I walk over. "Hi I'm Y/N. How may I help you?" I ask grabbing a cup with a sharpie.

He starts to speak and I look up. And I realize that it's Jack.

"Ok. J-A-C-K, is how you spell your know right?" I ask. I start to panic. "Cause like a whole bunch of people complained about their name was wrong."I smile nervously. I'm hoping he doesn't notice that I'm Logan's sister.

He nods. "Aren't you Logan's little sister, um." He snaps trying to think of my name.

"Y/N." I help him.

"Yea. I didn't know that you worked at Starbucks. Do you have a minute to talk?"

"Well today's my f-first day. We can talk once I finish m-my shift and o-once I make your c-coffee." I smile and start making his drink. Once I finished his drink I turned off the machines and then closed the counter.

I walk over to where Jack was sitting and I gave him his coffee. He smiles. "Thanks."

"May I sit down?" I ask. He looks at me and nods. "How's the coffee?" I ask.

"Really good! Better than the one that one lady makes them. She doesn't put enough sugar in it. This is perfect." He smiles.

I smile. "Yay!"

"So how old are you? Logan has told us about stuff you like but not how old you are."

"I'm 18. You're 18 too, right?"

"Yea. Could I by chance have your number?" He asks smiling.

"Sure here." I give him my phone and he gives me his. We exchange numbers and walk out of Starbucks. I close it and lock the door.

"Want to go over to my house?" He asks.

I nod. "S-sure."

We call an uber and go to his house.

"Your house is huge!" I say in aw.

"It's not just mine. It's Why Don't We's house, too." He laughs opening the door.

"Give me the freaking remote!" I hear Zach screaming.

They stop when I walk in. "Hi." I wave and awkwardly look around.

"Heyy." Corbyn smiles.

They resume the fight.

"Want to go up to my room? It's too loud down here." He looks at me.

I nod and follow him upstairs.

I sit down on a chair next to his bed as he sits down on his bed. We chatted and found out that we have some common interests. We have the friend that was their best friend.

I wake up to the sun in my eyes. I get up and hurry over to Jacks house. I knock on the door. He answers it. "Hi Y/N!" He smiles. "Hi Jack!" I smile back at Jack.
~Flashback ends~

Jack is snapping in my face. "Y/N? You ok?!" I blink and look at him. "Yea. Just got a flashback." I sigh. "You've been getting them too?" He asks. I nod.

Next chapter is next Tuesday! Request box is open🌹

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