Getting settled in

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A flashback hits me while I'm organizing my bedroom.

I'm walking with my best friend that I knew since we were two(2). We are laughing and everything. We were close to his house when his mom calls him in to tell him something really important.

He's in there for a little and then comes out with the most saddest face ever.

"Jack what's wrong?" I ask in my ten year old voice.

"I'm moving Y/N." He walks closer to me.

"Wait your leaving me?" I ask scared. See Jack was my only friend at the time. Both of my brothers were in higher grades and would kick me out of activities with their friends. Jack made me feel special.

"Yea Y/N." He starts to tear up.

"Don't cry Jacky." I hug him. "I bet we'll see each other soon."

A few years later I found Y/B/N and become friends with her. But I missed Jack a lot. She moved when we were in our sophomore year.

Flashback ends

And the weirdest part was that I was unpacking my things when this flashback decided to interrupt me.

I shrug it off and call Y/B/F(your best friend). She picks up almost immediately.

Y- You                B- Best friend


Where are you?

At Starbucks. Why?

I live in L.A now!

Oh girl meet me at Starbucks like right now!

She hangs up.

I get changed into regular clothes cause I'm in my PJ's.

I get changed into regular clothes cause I'm in my PJ's

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I call an uber and head to Starbucks. They drop me off and I pay them.

I see Y/B/F and tip toe over to her. "Boo!" I scream scaring her.

"Girl! You scared me so much!" She laughs. "How've you been?" She asks.

"Good I'm starting to unpack. My bro is helping me carry in furniture. But it's pretty cool." I smile.

I talked to Y/B/N for like five(5) hours and then we both went home.

I walk inside of my house and I hear banging and other stuff coming from Logan's apartment. I walk over and knock on his door.

"Someone's here!" I could hear a guys voice saying running over to the door. He opens it. "Hey." Its Zach.

"Hi Zach what's going on in here?" I ask walking in. I didn't even ask to go in, I just walked in.

I see Logan and the boys from yesterday.

"Hey sis!" Logan says walking over to me. I smile.

"Watcha doing?" I ask.

He looks at the boys. "Just singing. Want to join?" He asks.

"Sure I'm not the best at singing though." I sigh.

Corbyn pulls me into the living room. "Who cares?" He yells laughing.

I listen to the boys. They sound so good! When Jack would sing he'd look directly into my eyes and wink. I blushed every time he did.

"Next Monday!" Daniel screams.

"What's next Monday?" I ask while we take a break and eat.

"We all should go to an amusement park!" Daniel replies.

"Could I bring a friend?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yea!" Jack smiles.

"Ok then! I'm in. Logan?" I face Logan.

"Sure." He looks at me. Then he goes on his phone. "Wait I can't, I have Valley Girl that day. But you guys can go." He then smiles.

"It's getting pretty late guys. I'm going to head home." I say getting up. "Guys just text Logan so that he can text me."

With that I walk into my house and sleep on the sofa.

Jacks P.O.V
As soon as she left I felt like I was missing something.

"Y/N is so pretty. Logan how'd you get so lucky to have a pretty little sis?" Daniel faces Logan.

"I don't know." Logan shrugs.

I could feel my checks burning.

Zach faces me. "Oh does Jacky have a crush on Y/N?" He laughs.

"No! I mean ye-wait I mean I don't know!" I look down at the ground. I'm embarrassing myself.

"Guys let's head home." Jonah says getting up.

"Nooo." Corbyn says laying down on Logan's couch.

"Remember whose driving." Johan says holding the keys.

Corbyn gets up. "Fine!" Then we leave.

Second chapter reviews? Next chapter might be tonight or tomorrow. Idk yet.

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