Moving in

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"Yoo YouTube! What's up? As you know I'm headed to L.A to see my brothers Logan Paul and Jake Paul! I'm moving in next door to Logan. Anyways let's get on the ro-" I cover my camera to do a cool transition.

I grab my suitcase and call an uber. The uber picks me up.

"-ad. What? Already on the road?" I uncover the camera and laugh. "We've got a beautiful uber driver. And I have my laptop to edit yesterday's vlog! Yay!" I pause the camera and start to edit.

"What were you just doing? Talking to the camera?" The uber driver asks.

"Vlogging. It's when you take a video of your day, every day." I smile looking up at her.

Oh I'm Y/N! I'm 18 and moving next to my brother Logan Paul. I'm trying to become a famous YouTuber. I have about 15 vlogs and 20 subscribers. Yea I'm not the best.

The uber drops me off at the airport. I pay her and walk into the airport.

It isn't that big it's more medium sized.

I pull out my vlog camera and turn it on. "So I'm in the airport. I'm pretty excited. I haven't seen my brothers in about four(4) years." I smile.

20 minutes goes by and they call the L.A plane. I get on and sit next to this shady guy. I mean like everyone I meet I think they are shady.

I put in earbuds and listen to Katy Perry. I soon fall asleep.

We land and everyone gets out. I wait until everyone's out so that it's easier to get out.

I grab my vlog camera and turn it on. "I'm in the L.A airport. It's so pretty." I say flipping the camera around to show the airport. I pause the camera and go onto my phone.

Logan has texted me letting me know that he's waiting outside. I know his car color. A bright purple car.

I walk out with my luggage and look for his obnoxious purple car.

I spot it and walk over. It was close to the airport entrance which made it each for me to get there faster.

I pop my stuff into the back of his car and get in the passenger side of it. Logan and I hug, then he starts the car.

I grab my camera. "Look at who we found!" I smile putting the camera close to Logan's face but not to close. "Loooogggaaannn." I yell. I then laugh.

Logan shows me around his apartment then mine. It looked really blank and boring. I drop off my suitcases.

"Logan Im going to go buy some stuff for my house." I say leaving the building.

"Let me call some friends to help us." Logan gets out his phone and calls people.

We wait outside of the building for the boys. They pull up and open the back doors.

"Hey Logan!" The blonde one says happy.

"Hi Corbyn." Logan smiles. He gets in first then I go in.

Five(5) pairs of eyes were on me. I awkwardly look at Logan and he looks at me.

"Oh! Haha. I forgot to introduce you guys. This is my sister Y/N. Y/N this is Zach." Logan points to a guy with brown hair. He waves.

"This is Corbyn." He then points to the blonde haired guy.

"Hey." Corbyn smiles.

"Hi." I smile back.

"This is Daniel." He points a one that has brown hair and very blue eyes.

"This is Jack aka noddle head." Logan laughs. He pointed to a guy with brown and blonde hair and its curly. He winks at me. That name sounds so familiar.

"And last but not least Jonah." He points to the one that's driving. He waves.

"Now where are we going?" Jonah asks.

"Um to the furniture store near Starbucks." Logan says.

We drive there and we all get out. It was hilarious. If you were there you would know why. It's like when clowns get out of a car. They keep going and going and going.

We walk into the store and shop. I bought some rugs, towels, paintings, silverware, cups, plates, and more. The boys helped me find some.

First chapter done! How'd you like it? If you like Logan Paul you should check my profile.

Word count: 734

Instagram; Jack Avery{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now