3|36: A Cluster Of Memories. (Epilogue).

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Unfolding The Unplanned.

Chapter 36: A Cluster Of Memories. (Epilogue).

(*) Aria's Point Of View (*) – Wedding.

The music swiftly plays through the speakers as my nerves increase as my Dad wipes his hands onto his trousers for the fifth time in the last half an hour. He gives me a small shaky smile; tears start to form in the corner of his eyes. Dam the wedding hasn't even started yet and he is already crying.

Please don't start crying, I will then start crying.

Turning around to face the mirror, I give myself a once over as I smile at myself in the full-length mirror. Nodding my head, nerves sore through my body as I steady myself onto the table, breathe Aria.

Okay, not breathe out, my Dad takes my hand in his, grabbing it from the table. "Aria you okay? Are you ready?" My Dad asks me, smiling down at me as I wipe the stray tear that has leaked from the corner of my eye. He notices my un-easy face and strange face as he continues to speak. "Darling I know you are scared, trust me I was so scared when I was about to marry your Mother but god dam it, it was the most magical day of my life." He confesses.

A small smile forms on my lips as I nod my head slowly. "Yea I guess so but Dad when did you know that you wanted to marry Mom? When did you know that you loved her and wanted to share the rest of her life with you?" I ask him as I lean against the chair, trying again to steady my breathing.

He sighs, ranking a hand through his jelled hair. "Well the first day I met her, I thought she was amazing, she was unique and a little weird but I know from that moment that I wanted her in my life. It was a rainy day back in year seven. She was wet from the rain as he umbrella broke, she came into form with her wet hair all in bunches and her bag half way down her arm. She was so beautiful but yet so de-shriveled from the rain. Don't worry I will tell you the full story one day but for now on, you need to get married to your love of your life. You love him, right?" My Dad asks me, giving me a confused expression.

I nod my head as warmth fills my heart, a tear leaks from the corner of my eyes and my Dad wipes it away from me. "Yes I love him." I say to my Dad, he grabs my hand, leading me slowly to the edge of the room. Closer to the hall.

"You can do this." My Dad whispers into my ear as I nod my head again as I mentally prepare myself for this journey that I am going to take with the love of my life.

Grabbing my dad's hand, we start to make our way into the hall, eyes instantly going to myself. People's eyes rank over my wedding dress as a blush appears on my cheeks as after all these years; I still can't cope with many eyes upon my body. Music flows through the room accompanied by the people with the guitars.

My eyes met Joeys who smiles back at me, my heart squeezes in my chest as I continue to make my way down the aisle, the flower girl already standing by Joey.

Eyes are following me through-out the walk over the aisle, my smile grows wider as I see my family and friends giving us smiles, my Mom who is already crying into the wedding manual while my brothers are all tapping away – taking photos or videoing the wedding. Rachel on the other hand who is holding her little boy with one hand and the other hand, vlogging the wedding for us.

On the other scale, the wedding photography snapping shots of the whole wedding.

Please don't cry, I start to chant repeatedly in my mind as I can already feel myself beginning to cry. My Dad drops my hand as I reach the end of the walk. He gives Joey a small nod, Joey shifts slightly in his step but my Dad has an unusual move as he suddenly, wraps his arms around Joey, giving him a quick squeeze. As he releases Joey from his hug, he whispers something in his eye that I cannot quite hear.

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