Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"So you have no idea where these claims came from?" asked Mr. Ladson as he paced the floor in front of the jury.

"Not at all," answered Black.

"Mr. Black, please tell the court why these accusations have been brought up against you."

"I believe this is a big misunderstanding," continued Black, and it made me nervous how calm he was sounding. He had the composure to act calm. I, on the other hand, was one word away from exploding. "I will admit I started another business, but never under the impression it illegal. I wanted to expand on a business started from a family member, hence the creation of the Crimson Crow. I am merely the owner of the Crimson Crow. I appointed people to manage the business for me while I was away for conferences overseas and solving other criminal cases given to me by the government. I have yet to check the financial records to see if everything is up to date, but all of these other crimes I have been accused of are ridiculous. If there is anything true about these accusations, it may be the possibility my managers failed to record and file taxes. I would never do such a thing to a young woman, particularly one who is already traumatized by the death of her friend and family." I saw Garrison quickly write something down.

"Can you elaborate on that statement?"

"Of course. I was in charge of Jessica Holland's case when Ally Hamilton was murdered. I cannot begin to describe the condition this young woman was in when she came to me in tears. However, since she was my client, I will keep my promise of her confidentiality quiet." He's playing to the crowd, I thought bitterly.

"Elaborate on what you can."

"Jessica is unstable," continued Black, and I felt my anger continue to rise. I'm about to show you how unstable I can be. "Multiple times she has visited anger management classes to resolve her own anger issues. My only guess is the recent loss of her grandfather has made her go over the line, and her anger is now directed at me. I was the last person she was with. I believe she found someone who would eagerly enjoy taking me down as her attorney to see what she could get out of it."

"So the diluted mind of a young lady, perhaps warped with grief and sorrow, turns to take her frustrations out on the one person who stepped up to help her," said Mr. Ladson as he began to address the jury. "Seems peculiar she would seek out the only attorney who is a known enemy of Wayne Black."

"Objection your Honor," said Garrison with a hint of annoyance.

"Withdrawn," said Mr. Ladson with a grin. He turned to address Black again. "You handled Jessica's case. What is her family background like?"

"She doesn't have one," answered Black. "Her grandparents were the only ones around. As I recall, her parents are dead." My mouth went dry. This is the direction he's going with it?

"So this young lady has lost everything?"

"From my knowledge, yes she has."

"So we can assume she is acting out because of the sense of lost identity?"

"She has lost everything that has shaped her into the lady you see before you today."

"Mr. Black, are you aware the defendant attended therapy sessions after hearing the news of her grandfather's passing?" My eyes widened in disbelief.

"I am. As her recent attorney, my office informed me on her well-being."

"Can you elaborate on this please?"

"Of course. I was told due to the death of her grandfather, young Miss Hollands attempted suicide, and was rushed to the emergency room. Afterwards, she was sent to therapy, were she began taking sessions there. Apparently, the therapy session concluded as a failure, like her many anger management sessions."

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