Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I sat in a daze in my room. With Black gone, it gave me time to sit and think about why my father's name was in red. Not only that, but as to why the names were on the list to begin with. I had told Drake I wasn't feeling good, so he agreed to leave me alone in my room. I appreciated the time alone. I knew it was only a matter of time before Drake caught on as to why I wanted to be left alone. I had several questions I wanted answered, but I had no idea where to begin. I fell backwards onto my bed, huffing as I stared at the ceiling. I told Mrs. Hamilton to give me three days, but right now, it looked as if nothing would be accomplished in those days. Growling to myself, I turned over and looked at the wall. It was too dangerous for me to look at the documents I printed out, just in case Drake walked in. Knowing I wasn't going to get anywhere pondering about the documents, I got up and walked over to the door. Opening my door, I headed down the hallway and was about to enter the kitchen when I heard Drake's voice.

"You haven't had much luck either, huh?" I froze at the base of the steps, listening intently. "What did you expect? If I had trouble even getting the little details, you really think finding them is going to be a piece of cake?" Drake was silent as the other person spoke. I shifted uncomfortably. "No, she doesn't suspect a thing. She's actually sick right now. At least, that's what she told me. She probably still hates me since the little knife incident you pulled on her." I narrowed my eyes. He was talking to Black. I was about to head up the stairs when Drake spoke again. "No, she hasn't been anywhere near your room. I've made sure of that." My ears perked up. Something important was in Black's room, but I had already figured that. Drake just confirmed it. Smiling to myself, I walked up the stairs. It was time I paid Black's room a visit.


Drake smiled to himself when he heard the tiny footsteps ascend back up the stairs. He had to admit he admired her guts, but ever since she pulled that stunt over at Wendy's, he knew Jessica would be playing in more dangerous waters. When she told him she was sick, Drake knew it was a ruse.

He was never on the phone with Black. He had heard her bedroom door open, so he faked the entire conversation. Drake knew she was dying to find some information on Black, and Drake himself was dying for her to remember her memories. Did he set her up? Yes he did. And he had the knowledge that Black was going to arrive in about ten minutes. He leaned against the island and smiled viciously up at the ceiling.

"We'll see what you are up to, little bunny."


Walking into Black's room posed no problem. Like his computer, Black didn't do anything to protect his living quarters. I scanned the room, entering it for the first time since I had been here. Whenever Black visited me, it was always in my room. I walked in, eyeing his bookshelves and desk over in the corner. Why have separate offices? I thought as I walked over. I ran my hand over the desk, and noticed it had been collecting dust. I wrinkled my nose up in disgust. Why would his desk be collecting so much dust? Ignoring the desk, I made my way over to the bookshelves and looked at the books. Volumes upon volumes of criminal justice books lined the shelves, and I felt slightly irritated by them. No doubt these books were collecting dust as well. As my eyes scanned over the books, I noticed one book sticking out slightly farther than all the rest. Curious, I walked over and removed the book, turning it over to look at the title. It wasn't a book. It was one of those fake books, a compartment type box to hide secrets or other important materials in. I opened it up, and found folded pieces of paper inside. I set the box down on his desk and unfolded the first piece of paper.

The paper had a list of addresses on it, and I felt a knot form in my stomach when I saw Ally's address and my apartment address on there. But before our addresses were written, there were several addresses written before that that had been marked out, quite viciously because the paper was indented. I didn't recognize any of the other addresses, so I folded the paper back and set it down, picking up another. This paper held nothing of importance from what I could tell. Businesses Black owned was old news to me. The rest of the pieces of paper held account information that I had already printed off thanks to Black's computer. Grumbling under my breath, I put the paper back into the compartment and went to return it to its rightful place on the shelf. As I went to put it back, something on the back of the bookshelf caught my eye. I moved the books aside to get a better look, and to my astonishment, there was a knob at the back of the shelf. I looked over my shoulder back at the door. I would have to be careful. If Drake heard anything, it would ruin my whole operation. I inhaled deeply to calm my nerves, and then I reached out and turned the knob. I heard a soft click as the bookshelf to the far left jutted out of its normal position. I placed the book compartment on the desk and walked over to the newly discovered opening. I heaved the bookshelf out of the way and found a dark hallway looming before me. The little voice in my head was telling me to go back, but I knew what I had to do. This could lead me to the downfall of Black. Calming my rising nerves, I walked in. I searched the walls for a light switch, and let out a sigh of relief as my fingers found one. I snapped it on, and what I saw froze my bloodstream.

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