Chapter Fourty-Three.

Start from the beginning

"Okay sai kazo,I love you."

"I'll show you how much I love you real soon. See you"

"Maryam are you okay?"

"I said I'm fine" she snapped.

Ah women!

She was making dinner and almost fell. I decided to leave her kitchen for her. I was in the room when she came and asked for permission to go and get something from the store,I allowed her.

Minutes after she came back, what she told me shook me.

Maryam's POV.
Everyone thinks I'm a bad person for getting married to Faysal but no one has ever for once tried to ask why I did that or even tried putting theirselves In my shoes. Have you ever loved and not been loved back? I know what i did was terribly wrong but I wasn't planned.

At first it was all just for revenge,because I felt like I was always second to her,everything I've ever wanted always looked her way. Alex especially. I was in Turkey when I heard the news about Alex's change of religions all because of her.

I left Nigeria for Turkey because of the humiliation I felt after being rejected, by Alex. I lowered my guared,swallowed my pride and told him how I felt about him but he said he loved Sameerah not me. I was even willing to marry him even though he was a Christian but he still chose her over me and that struck a nerve.

When I came back to Nigeria and heard that she was getting married that was when the whole idea master minded itself in my head that was until after the wedding and I met her husband. That was when I started having foreign feelings.

I didn't know what came over me but I just needed to hurt her one way or the other. I needed her to feel what I felt.
With the help of his Mom who was desperate for a grandchild, I was able to finally get what I wanted but I didn't get what I wanted,he didn't love me.

Now after the marriage, every time Faysal comes over he doesn't treat me like I'm his spouse. It's far from what y'all think. No,he doesn't deny me my right,he just doesn't love me and he doesn't hide it. Its so annoying.

Why can't anyone just love me?

That day I decided to go and see Samee,it was pure coincidence that he was also there at the particular time. I actually went there to talk to her and clear the air. I was going to be as sincere as possible with her but then I saw them together,a pang of jealousy immediately hit me,I forgot all about my initial intentions, my mood just did a 360.

Now two months into marriage but still I've not seen any changes in him. He's still the same old cold Faysal I married. I thought we would already be passes that stage but it seems we're stuck.

I was currently in the kitchen preparing dinner for us when all of a sudden I felt dizzy, I didn't like the aroma of what I was cooking and I wanted to throw up. I managed to finish cooking and set the table.

"I need sth from the store, I'll just go and get it".

" okay. Sai kin dawo"

I got back and immediately took two tests. Even though he still doesn't feel anything for Me any spouse would be happy to be a father right? When I saw the results,to say I was happy would be an understatement.

"I need to tell you something"

"Can't it wait till after dinner?"

"Okay.. It can I guess"

And that was how we ate in silence.

"So what was it you wanted to say?"


"Out with it. But I want to tell you sth Maryam, Samee is the only woman I'll ever sincerely love. I don't want to give you false hopes"

"Uhmm.. I think I know that. You don't exactly hide it that much you See.."

"Oh.. Okay.. So you had sth to tell me,what is it?"

"I wanted to tell you that I think I'm uhm.. pregnant. I just took two tests and they were both positive."

He immediately went into Sujood as'Shukr but his next action left me utterly speechless.

Assalamu alaikum.

I shorry for the late update please,I was sick sosai but Alhamdulillah I'm all good now. Here's a little something for y'all💗.

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