C h a p t e r 25

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~chapter 25~

I woke up to the sound of something shuffling near me. I peeled my eyes open to a plain white ceiling.

I lifted myself from the comfortable bed and looked around... My bedroom?

"Hello?" My throat was dry and I had a stabbing pain in my back.

I hissed and twisted my body round, planting my feet on the ground.

"Hello?" I asked again walking toward the door and reaching for the handle. I pulled it open, placing a hand on my hip, trying to help me walk.

A shooting pain travelled across my shoulders and I hissed again as I reached the top of the stairs.

I grabbed the railing and tiptoed slowly toward the kitchen.

I stumbled into the door frame to keep my balance and my back made another loud clicking noise.

"Hello?" This time it was someone else asking the question, not me.

I shuffled toward the fridge and pulled out a can of beer. I am legal, don't worry.

I lowered myself down onto a chair.

"I thought I heard somebody." I looked up to see Ashton standing there without a shirt on. He walked over to the table and pulled out a chair.

"Where's Luke?" I whispered.

"He sleeping on the couch, don't worry." He said, "he was crying when he got here."

"Why were you here? Where's dad?" I asked, taking another sip from my beer.

"I came here to talk to you. But, when I came in there was nothing here, the door was open and the fridge was empty. Well, except for the beer, obviously," He explained, "he just, ran off, with your- our - siblings."

"Oh." I gritted my teeth again, trying to ignore the pain in my shoulders and the small cracks you could faintly hear.

"Are you alright?" Ashton asked, worry spreading over his features.

"Yeah." I squeaked and then started crying.

"It hurts so much." I whimpered in pain putting my head into my hands as Ashton ran round the table and placed his arm around me in a friendly hug.

"My shoulders. My back." I couldn't stop crying.

"AAAAHHH!" I screamed out, falling to the floor. I screamed again, kicking my feet and shaking my head from side to side.

"Oh no." I heard Ashton say. He dropped down next to me, pulled me up and held me tight.

I screamed and cried into his neck, the pain becoming less and less. I don't know how long we laid there on the kitchen floor, but it felt like hours.

A pounding headache was starting to form, so I lifted my hand to my head, wiping my eyes from tears.

"I can't believe Luke can sleep through your screaming, it's so loud." Ashton whispered, making me chuckle as the pain was fading. It would come back later though.

"Are you any better?" He asked, picking me up from the kitchen floor and taking me to the living room.

"I guess." I whispered, there was still a pounding in my shoulder but at least it didn't feel like someone was stabbing me repeatedly anymore.

He lowered me down onto the couch, ruffling my hair.

"I'm glad I found you again." He said.

"Put a shirt on, you poop." I stuck my tongue out, trying to lighten the emotional breakdown that occurred only moments ago.

He jogged upstairs and left me in the living room, sitting next to Luke.

I turned my head to see Luke lifting his head up slowly with his eyes droopy and mouth slightly open.

"Hi." He said then let out a giant cough.

"Hey," I said, "thanks for bringing me here. I mean it."

"It's alright. And I'm sorry. For fighting." He said, smiling.

"I forgive you." I reached toward him and grabbed his hand, "thank you."

His cheeks turned pink as he slipped his hand out from mine wearily.

"You're welcome." He said, turning his attention to the television.

It was off.



It's been a while, hasnt it?

If you have any ideas please comment below! Seriously, ideas would be lovely! But don't take it into offence if I don't use them :-)

Love you guys :-)

Not edited/checked whatever.

And I'm excitedly sad at the moment.

Idk I just get sad sometimes. I look at the past. And I get sad. Bye.

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