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Shane and Isaac had an awkward yet emotional reconciliation that made all conscious people a little teary eyed at the brothers. They left the room as soon as the words 'I'm sorry' joined Shane's shuddering sobs into the taller's shoulder.

Brenda came and removed the Swipe from Minho's memory after Minho threw a fit over Stiles and Shane having their memories back, and Minho was still shuckin' stupid. So after that fiasco, Hiro and Kira were able to reconnect and catch up through teary eyes and teasing. Brenda also removed Teresa's, but she prefers to go by Teresa as Deedee apparently wasn't what she wanted.

Deaton managed to remove most of the venom for Stiles' body, and now they're waiting for Stiles to wake up to see if it was enough. Everyone that didn't have direct emotional ties to the three were out patrolling for Deucalion and Lawrence with promises to call if they find anything.

So Scott, Shane, Isaac, Kira, Hiro, Lydia and Allison were impatiently waiting for the last of their family to wake up, while Deaton was restlessly waiting for someone to call with news of their search.

Finally, the phone rang through the office, causing all of the conscious occupants to jump at the sudden noise. Deaton calmly put it on speaker and answered, "Beacon Hills Animal Clinic, how may I-"

"Deaton, Deucalion and his pack are dead, the twins included," Derek interrupts, and Lydia drops her phone at the bluntness of it. "Lawrence killed him, but he left a note saying that he wants to take what's rightfully his."

Scott looks up from Stiles' hand that he's holding to take the pain away. "He's coming for Stiles."

"Then we just have to tell him that he's not a vampire, right?" Shane asked simply, and the supernaturals share grim smiles.

Lydia sighs and pats his pale hand. "Oh Shane, it's never that easy."

"We're on our way back," Derek continues. "But guard the entrances until we get there," he instructs, and Deaton immediately goes into action. He pulls out different powders and objects and set them around the entrances, securing them more than what was already established previously.

"What? No garlic and holy water?" Hiro asks with a snort, and Allison could immediately see how he and Stiles were such great friends. They shared the same sense of humor to a certain extent.

Once everything was set up, the pack was left to wait in a tense silence, everyone finding it unfit to talk in this current situation. Derek and the others slip through the doors with Deaton's assistance, and they return to their strict silence once again.

"What's taking him so long?" Shane finally bursts, and several people jump in surprise at the sudden noise.

Hiro turns to look into his friend's dark eyes. "Shank, you knew and talked to this guy. You would know better than anyone else what he's up to," he teases, but there was some truth behind it.

Deaton looked up from an old book that he pulled out of nowhere with furrowed brows. "Do you think he would wait until the Blood Moon?" His gaze was more directed towards Derek, who had Stiles' other hand clasped in his, black veins running smoothly up his arm.

Derek shakes his head, returning his eyes to the boy in front of him, watching the slow rise and fall of his chest. "Lawrence is known for doing things quickly, so he's either trying to get past the wards you placed, or he's given up," he replied softly. Deaton only hummed in response before returning to the aged book on the tabletop.

"So why is he in pain?" Shane's next question was, since his other wasn't really answered. "If the shucking bite didn't take, why is he hurting?" His boyish face was contorted in pain, as if he was the one physically in pain as opposed to his boyfriend.

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