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3rd Person POV:

To break the awkward silence, a young woman peeked out of the exam room with a small smile on her face. Her dark hair was cut short and boyish, and her dark eyes were the same color. Her face was round and also boyish, while still maintaining that femininity that women hold. She smiled, and the corners of her eyes scrunched slightly. "Alright, who wants to go first?" She looked around at the silent crowd, and her grin drooped slightly at the tension in the hallway.

The former Gladers stared at her, scrutinizing her every detail, before straightening his back and stealing a glance at Melissa. "Do you trust them?" His dark eyes stared into hers, and it took every last ounce of willpower to not perform all of her motherly on this boy that she thinks of as her own.

"St- Thomas. I wouldn't be allowing for this to take place in a hospital if I did not firmly believe that they know what they're doing," she answered, and she was relieved that none of the Gladers could hear the slight jump in her heart beat. Truthfully, she wasn't sure how this was going to go, but Scott had reassured her that Ava Paige had not been lying when she gave her step-by-step instructions on what she was doing. Melissa stood and dusted nonexistent dirt off of her scrubs. "Besides, I'll be going with you."

Thomas didn't want to admit it, but that last statement was what did the trick. He turned back to Newt, hugging him tightly before kissing his softly. He then hugged Minho and Teresa individually. While embracing his best friend Minho, he whispered, "In case things don't go as planned, take care of Newt for me."

Minho gave him a tight-lipped smile paired with a small nod before slapping him on the back. "Don't be ridiculous, Tommy-boy. We're all gonna make it out of this mess." Thomas gave him a rare smile, one that sent Scott down memory lane, and one that made Newt's and Lydia's hearts flutter.

"Alright, I'll see you guys later," Thomas promised before glancing back at the door and rolling his eyes. "Alright let's go," he said, before he, Newt, Minho, and Teresa turned on their heels and sprinted down the hallways, leaving everyone else to be shocked for a moment.


Scott snapped out of his shock and turned quickly to Lydia. "Lyds, call Derek. Tell him that Stiles is back, and that we need his help finding him before he gets too far."

Lydia nodded dutifully, her brown eyes wide. When was she ever going to get a break around here? Then she whipped her phone of of her pocket as Rafe did the same, to call for assistance. Jackson sped down the hall with Scott, and Melissa ran the other way toward the front desk to get a look at the cameras. She also wanted all of the staff looking for four teenagers.

I mean, how hard could it be?


Apparently, it could be really hard. Scott and Jackson met up with everyone: Erica, Boyd, Isaac, Allison, Kira, Malia, Ethan, Aiden, Liam, and Hayden gathered in the garage of the hospital, everyone shouting incoherent questions on top of one another.

Scott threw around t shirts from Stiles' room, and all of the werewolves took a deep breath into the fabric. Derek still looked to stunned, so Erica had to talk him through it. He growled at her nonstop, but it was obvious he appreciated the mental support. Well, as much emotional consolation a girl like Erica could give. But to be fair, she never really had that kind of comfort growing up, or even this time two years ago.

Allison was so close to tears that Isaac took it upon himself to comfort her, much to Scott's dismay. She was shaky with her bow from her heaving breaths, but she was slowly mollifying as Isaac walked her through the techniques he uses for panic attacks. Scott's red eyes only flashed for a second at the most in anger and jealousy before he returned to the task at hand.

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