Flames of Hatred Vs. Love

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Normal P.O.V.

The Crimson sky bellowed, held high above the mass of stars, a black figure darting across the forest in hope the trees would protect their leaping body over rocks and several other large obstacles.

"Get back here!" An officer yelled a few steps behind the escaping prisoner. They didn't stop and when the officer became too persistent for his liking, the prisoner turned routes into the open road, overweight chains clattering behind him. An easy giveaway.

Through the official's eyes, the road was cleared of any living soul. He was gone. But that was impossible! They had only been here a couple, if not a brief second ago! The other side of the road held yet another forest, more filled than the last, the officer trotting the road.

His clueless eyes turning to gaze at his final scene, fog lights blinding the thirty-two year old man, face going pale as the vehicle collided harshly with his figure, state turning blank.

Resting on a sturdy branch, a wicked grin spread wide across Peter's face, acid eyes gleaming over the pitch black darkness that matched his hair. He shifted his weight, smoothly jumping down as he then strided over to the uniformed corpse, all color drained from his freezing body.

Detaching the keys from the open-eyed officer's key chain, Peter unlocked his annoying seal that bound him to himself, the metal clashing with concrete.

Just then, he heard something else, a body moving, close enough to hear and weak enough to only be heard whithin a nearby range. They were a couple of feet away and as Peter traveled to the injured teenager's side, he grinned.

It was Baylon.

It was never revealed but that was the name of Y/N's attacker.

Baylon stopped struggling and cranked his neck in Peter's direction who had a match in one hand and the other was stretched out toward him, an eyebrow raised inquired the obvious question: What happend to you?

Without a moment's hesitation, Bayon took his hand, Peter raising him up with barely any force. "Hello, little brother." He greeted as they embraced with a hug, patting each other's backs.

When Peter pulled away, he shook the small match in his hand, a smug smirk splattered all over his features. Then, he gestured toward the forest, litting it. He passed it to Baylon, "Will you do the honors?"

Baylon happily obliged and said, "Let's burn everything beyond ashes." before he threw the match, raging fire dancing and spreading around the forest, an unstoppable tornado of flames.

Back to Kurapika and Leaorio~

"I'm capable of supressing my own demons. . ." Kurapika muttered in his sleep, turning once again to the other side of his bed on the floor.
His pillow was a burning sack of cotton, contributing to his uncomfortable position. He had set the blankets aside and the silence of the night created a more peaceful environment for his imagination to soar the skies. Leorio was laying next to the blond Kurta, a frown displayed across his face.

He wanted to comfort his friend since he knew more than anyone how vulnerable Kurapika was when he had a nightmare. It was the same one every single day. Sometimes, on good days, it wasn't bad enough to snap him awake. Today wasn't one of those days.

His fellow Hunter comrade snapped his eyes open abruptly, gasping for air as if he hadn't been able to breathe a few seconds ago.

The picture of his entire clan being slaughtered at the merciless hands of the Phantom Troupe painfully implanted in his memories and now, it occupied his worst nightmares.
   Replaying over, and over, and over again like an endless hole of the past that never seemed to leave him at bay.

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