Chapter 1: You seemed like you needed it

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'I'll be home later. Tell mom I have to study.'

She whispers quietly as she taps lightly on the screen of her phone, sending the little message to her only sister.

This was her usual excuse everyday so she wouldn't come home early or atleast when her parents were still awake or not out working. Her parents only knew how to fight, drink and be violent, so you could imagine how much she does to avoid getting inbetween fights because it results to her being a human punching bag for them to vent out their anger. Knowing well that they'd just shower her with insults and a beating, she just avoids going home.

It was just the end of classes. Everyone was either going out together with their friends to hang out or to study, while others went home to their families.

She didn't have friends only because she didn't see a need for one. She also doesn't have place she truly wants to call home, so she comes to this place where she hides out, hides out from the eyes of the public, her parents and even her own frustrations.

I hope they didn't lock up the rooftop again. She sighed, fixing up her things to her back pack and placing her phone in her pocket. She made her way to the staircases at the back of the building with a lazy gait, just slowly walking. 

She finally arrived before the door to the rooftop, with a click she opened it satisfyingly. The breeze wafted her hair around as she entered, not alot of people come up here, since it's off limits but she comes here almost everyday to just look up to the sky. Rarely do anyone come and check this place out, but before the school closes, she leaves anyway.

"I wish I could just fly and leave this place." She says as she sat down on the granite floor, opening a can of soda and feeling tired.


"Taehyung! let's go out today, my treat." A girl squeals as she flips her hair eager for his response along with her friends. They did everything to look cute for him but Taehyung didn't really want to go with them.

"Ah, it's okay. I'm kinda busy, so I can't go." Taehyung smiled and just walked away leaving the disappointed girls. He's a new student in this school, and pretty new to the neighborhood. As much as he'd like to go out with people, he wanted to explore the school first.

He wanted to go to the rooftop where everyone warned him not to go to, because it was haunted or something. He liked scary stuff, so he planned to explore the place.

He excitedly walked up the staircase in to the rooftop being very wary of suspicious sounds and noise. He slowly lifted his hand to the doorknob and pushed it. The breeze greeted him, he stepped in. He was really giddy and anxious to what he might find.

Suddenly a sound of a can rolling caught his attention, his head turned to the direction immediately and sees the can. He takes it. He steps further into the unknown.

But then as he walks further, he stopped only to see a girl lying before him, asleep. Wait, I know this girl. He says to himself, she shouldn't be here after school, well both of them aren't supposed to be here.

He slowly crouched down, planning to wake her up but as he stretched out a hand to grab her shoulder.

"You got balls to touch a defenseless girl." The words suddenly resounded from her mouth, she says as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked at him uninterestedly. Taehyung was a bit taken aback, both because she was actually awake and for what she said.

"Ya, you're the one who's sleeping and laying around the rooftop. I'm not here trying to get something out from this." He defended himself, raising his hands innocently. She slowly sits up and dusts her uniform. She didn't care and just looked at the distance.

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