Começar do início

M: what? you have a boyfriend and you're  pregnant? what?

C: come on ma! i'm not even that twisted! (well maybe a little.)

M: then what?

C: I ah, I'm having a ... vacation there for two days.

There! because i ran out of anything because Brad told me not to tell them, i am forced to have a vacation there in Chekotah.

M: really? oh i can't wait! when are you leaving?

C: uhmm.. SURPRISE?? haha !

M: oh okay. You take care huh. I love you.

C: yes, i will. I love you too. bye.

And with that I hung up. Darn It! now i have to book a flight. not that i don't want to see them, it would just be hard for me to leave when i get there already.

"What just happened?" Brad asked still puzzled.

"They were just calling to congratulate me." i replied.

"for what?"

"BLOWN AWAY MEDLEY IS STILL NUMBER 1 ON GACs!!!" i said screaming of happiness whilst hugging me.

"Oh my God! i'm so happy for you! It's the 8th week right?" he said as he spun me around.


"ah, someone's gonna get a VERY special gift." he says as he slightly throws me on the bed and crawls on top of me.

"uhmm. We haven't brushed our teeth yet and it's still VERY early, besides i'm hungry." i said pushing him off me.

"awww. pleasseeeeee?" and did his pupoy eyes.

"Brad, no." i say as i walk off the room.

"just one quick." he grabbed my arms

"Save that for tonight" i say as i wink at him.

"oh, i like that." he says as he walks of and then BAM! i slapped his sexy booty!

"hahaha!" i laughed.

"what was that for?!"

"nothing.. now go on sexy cowboy!" i answered.

We then went downstairs to eat breakfast. We only had cereals because with what happened yesterday, we didn't get to the grocery shopping.

"So when are you planning to go to Chekotah?" Brad spoke up.

"ugh. I still don't know." i answered.

"well, you could've just made another alibi rather than going home. haha."

"well, just so you know, i was so nervous and i ain't got any ideas as GOOD AS YOURS."  i say. i'm not mad. bit annoyed i'd say.

"woah. chill Carrie. i was kidding i'm sorry." he says.

"okay. fine. apology accepted."

"I'm still gonna have the GIFT later this night right?" he asked.

"oh no, i don't think so. sorry Mr. Paisley." i say teasing.

"what? but you promised!" he says and again making that cute puppy eyes.

"well, sorry but Promises are made to be broken." i teased even more.

he stands up. "even if i do this?" then leaned in and kissed me.

oh my. my knees are going weak. I am literally losing my breath. So i pulled away. grasping for air.

"still a no, babe. sorry." i said.

he leans in again to kiss me. but i backed away.

"okay okay. you win. Now let me finish my food." i gave in..

After we finished breakfast, we watched TV then prepared for lunch. I cleaned the house a bit, took Ace for a bath. I then took a bath and rested for a while before dinner.

"Care, i'm gonna take a short shower first." he says after eating then headed upstairs.

I went upstairs next and prepared for his GIFT.  I changed into one of my lingeries. Sprayed on my perfume. Put on a cherry lip balm and an eyeliner. I let my hair as it is, just plain  straight. I Lit up the candles with a very aromatic scent.  I don't know why but I there are some red roses on my vanity so i kinda removed each petal and scattered it to the floor and some on the bed. Just then I laid on the bed waiting for him.

After a few minutes he went out. And before i knew it, i was drooling with his abs again. And God i love his smell.

Then i felt his lips crashing into mine. was i staring again for too long that I didn't even noticed that he's on bed already? anyway, he's been kissing me for soooooo loooong. That I need to grasp for air again. Then the next thing happened :)

Twisted - A Paisleywood StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora