Thank you.

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A dedication to you all.

Words can't express my happiness that comes with each read, each vote and each comment.

I made many amazing friends, got so many freaking amazing supporters and got to know so many of you.

And to all my silent readers, if you don't want to vote, that's fine too. Thank you for taking your time, I appreciate you. Although you could always drop by comments and tell me how you feel.

And if there's anyone out there, who needs someone to talk to, I am always here. Feel free to message me and I will try my best to reply as soon as possible. We don't have to be lonely when we have people who are willing to be there. Lets just give them a chance yea?

Another important question I have for you guys,
Should I start another book?
Because this book contains lengthy poems so I was thinking to write a new book with short poetry. Like two, three lines poetry.
What do you guys think?

Should I?
Or Should I?

Will you keep supporting me for the other book to?
Or will you keep encouraging me to publish it asap?

Also please accept the rose above.
Have an amazing day you guys.
Love you all x

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