Who am I, Who am I?

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I maybe the gust of wind,
Making you shiver in my sight.
Who am I, Who am I?

I maybe the spark of fire,
Giving you a slight burn to warn about what's to come.
Who am I, Who am I?

I maybe the stone beneath your foot,
Watching you wobble trying to balance.
Who am I, Who am I?

I maybe the slap on your face,
Even if it's by the snow from the sky.
Who am I, Who am I?

I maybe the words of the other person,
Attacking you in the form of an insult.
Who am I, Who am I?

You are the reason why I'm here,
Want to make the problems you created disappear.

Though I'd make them all blown,
But don't they have a worth of their own?

Instead lets just change the place of the one who will suffer,
Lets put you there to see if the creator of the problems is tuffer.

For I'm known to put people in their right place,
For I'm made for the people with double face.
Who am I, Who am I?

I'm someone who always stood up for people you have pushed,
I'm someone who always spoke for the people you have hushed.
Who am I, Who am I?

I am yours lovingly,

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