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My elder brother was the best one no one had,
But he too left me all alone to be sad.

How is it so easy for everyone one to leave,
When it takes so long for a proper relationship to weave.

You were my guardian, my pillar and my support,
You were the one to build me the sand fort.

You always made me smile throughout my childhood,
But now I don't see you brother, nothing feels good.

A tear fell down my cheek just for you,
All the memories came rushing back as if on que.

The next tear came rolling down reminding me,
How I rolled the dice for in ludo we were partners meant to be.

A few more joined making my cheeks wet,
But I can't seem to stop them, not yet.

Just let me relive all those memories with you brother,
When we used to sneak out in the rainy weather.

I miss old days and I miss my superhero,
I miss how you could make me laugh even with a zero.

I miss the way you caught me before I fell,
I miss you holding me up so I could ring the bell.

I miss you holding my finger helping me walk,
I miss you spelling me letters so I could talk.

Now the days are gone but they took you along,
Without you by my side everything feels wrong.

I am really sorry if I ever made you bother,
All I want to say is that I miss my big brother.

MidnightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora