Chapter 21

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Now where could he have gone?

James hasn't been seen in weeks and that worries me. Alice hasn't seen anything of him, either, which could possibly mean that he's lying low or he's making decisions at the very last second. Either way, that makes him especially dangerous. According to Edward and Circe, a predator, like James, wouldn't give up the hunt that easily. Of course. 

A true predator prepares, pet. Circe whispers into my mind. You should know this.

Preparation, eh? I hate to say it but Circe has a point. All predators, humans and vampires alike, prepare themselves for the hunt and the kill...and both Circe and I would know all about that. I sigh. Leave it to her to remind me of those good ol', god-forsaken days. Sheesh. I get up from watching TV and head into Edward's room. Edward is currently out and about with his brothers and trying to see if they can get a read on him. I'm left with Carlisle and the rest of his family. 

Maybe I can tap into Mars' power of foresight.

Obviously, I don't have access to fire (I mean, would a clan of vampires want that?) so I have to rely on other senses. Alice isn't the only psychic around here, ya know. My own abilities are much stronger during the night but hampered by the daylight. Thankfully, I have Mars' power to supplement mine. I sit down on the couch in Edward's room and take deep breaths before I begin to focus on meditating. Before too long, a dim image of a room appears. I can't really see too much because everything is dark but I can see what appear to be mirrors lining a wall with a bar attached to them. I see an exit sign over a door and a TV.

A ballet studio?

The vision fades away and I hurry away to find a notepad. Fortunately for me, Alice is prepared and hands me what I'm looking for. She's asking me all sorts of questions but I don't respond. I need to draw what I saw in my vision. Quickly, my vision comes into being on paper and it is, indeed, a ballet studio. Of course, that only brings on more questions than answers. Not once have I ever been connected to a ballet studio. The only thing that comes close is when the Sailor Scouts were being drawn into ballroom dancing ages ago...a trap laid by the Negaverse, mind you.

Why would there be a TV there?

More and more questions and not enough answers! I'm going crazy! I ask Alice to escort me back to my house for a little bit. I'm going not only crazy but stir crazy! I need to get out! She understands that I'm asking her simply for her brother's sake and not because I'm afraid of going alone. It's only when we get to the door that everything gets even stranger. Alice becomes very tense and starts sniffing at the air. 

"Stay behind me." She warns.

I nod. I slowly follow Alice into my house and, using Circe's senses, I pick up on a strange scent. It's exceptionally sweet, almost disgustingly so. I will admit that I thought it was coming from Alice because she has that sweet scent but then I catch a whiff of what seems to be aftershave. What the fuck is going on around here? Someone came sniffing through my house! The question is: why? 

We go into my room and as soon as I touch some of my personal belongings, like an old journal, I get an image of James in my room. I tell Alice about what I just saw and she frowns in confusion. We have no idea why he had gone through my room until I notice two things are missing: Usagi's star locket and a journal that I had kept, detailing my life as a Sailor Scout. 

"Fuck." I growl.

Remember what I have said, pet. Circe purrs. Preparation...

"Preparation, preparation..."

"What are you talking about?" Alice asks.

I don't pay attention. Both Edward and Circe said something about how predators prepared for the hunt and the kill. Does he plan on luring me in, somehow? I sigh. My head feels like it's going to explode. I need to lie down for awhile...


Alice and I have since returned to the Cullen household. She has since called the rest of the Cullens back so she could inform them of our findings. I pop an aspirin into my mouth and head upstairs to rest my aching head. I'm not even down onto the couch when Edward comes dashing into the room. I can see the concern in his golden eyes and I melt. Just being near him makes me feel safe.


"No." Edward says. "He's too far out of range."

We both want to believe that he's given up but after what Laurent had said, we just cannot afford to let our guards down. Of course, Laurent also made the point that I could take him on. I would like to, but for Edward's sake, I'll just stay put. Unless James directly threatens me, I won't take action. As a Sailor Scout, though, I really shouldn't let him go and walk among humans. Then again, his focus is on trying to take me down.

I hate sitting here and doing nothing.

Edward wraps his arms around me possessively. The coolness from his body is a peaceful balm and not at all creepy. Of course, when you live in a dark and cold cavern for so many years, the coolness is nothing really new. I'm used to it.


Edward and I are lying together on the couch when my cell phone rings. I look at the Caller ID and it's an unknown number. How strange. I let it ring for awhile before it hangs up. I very rarely every get unknown numbers and, for the most part, a good majority of those end up being spammers and telemarketers anyway. You'd think I know better because the same unknown number rings again several more times. Again, I ignore it. Finally, on the third time around, I pick it up and I hear familiar music coming from a certain locket. Edward leaves to give me some privacy.


I'm about to interrogate the caller when a cheerful, male voice comes on the line. It doesn't take a genius to know who it actually is. 

"You are alone, right?"


"It's a nice, little locket you have." The voice continues cheerfully. "It would be a shame to have something happen to it and your interesting journal."

Fucking bastard.

I manage to keep my anger and heartbeat in check. I don't need any of the Cullens, especially Jasper, to pick up on my emotions. Don't get me wrong, now. I would love nothing more than to just crush James and tear him into ribbons. I pick up my power stick and place it in my pocket. Alice will have probably seen my decision or, at least, she will eventually. I also have Sailor Pluto's Time Key in my hand. It will get me wherever I need to go instantly. 

Her power will cloud Alice's visions. The spirit of Mars whispers. You'll be fine.


"I trust that you'll come alone, right? You wouldn't want anything to happen to your friends."

"Damn straight." I reply evenly. "They won't even know."

"Good!" James replies in that cheerful voice. "Considering your abilities, I trust you'll find me in no time."

He knows too much. He needs to die.

That he does, pet. That he does. Circe hisses in delight.

"Do expect me shortly." 

I hang up before he can answer. I know exactly where to go. I open the Time Doors with Pluto's key and depart.

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