Chapter 16

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"You seem really happy, Sakura-chan." Usagi observes.

"I am."

I finally told her about Edward and of his non-human status. Thankfully, she listened to me through the end, reserving her judgement. That's why she's the only one who knows of my relationship. The rest of the Scouts would definitely have my head...and speaking of, they had found some evidence that supported the existence of Cold Ones feeding on animal blood a couple of years back right before Neo-Queen Serenity took the throne. Their existence, they discovered, had been woven into the history of the Quileutes and had overlooked it. As expected, though, they didn't truly believe in such creatures. I guess I can't really blame them, though you would think that they shouldn't have been surprise. After all, we are experienced in the weird and the strange.

"It's hard to believe that." Jupiter had said. "Even if they did, they must be tempted by human blood yet."

"Be careful, Sakura."

Usagi's spirit remained after the others returned to their crystals. She asked me how my inner demon had been doing. I will admit that there are times that she does come to the surface but she really hasn't stirred much at all. Just because she's asleep doesn't mean she can't come out all of the sudden. She has done so before and it had nasty consequences for my past opponents. It was in the middle of our conversation that Edward came in. I beckon him to my bed and introduce him to the beautiful Moon Queen. As usual, he's very gentleman-like but very in awe of Usa-chan. She and I giggle as we gently poke fun of him. Her gentle blue eyes smile at him and says:

"You're more human than you think, Edward. I know you'll take great care of my Sakura-chan."

"It's an honor to be in her service." He says quietly.

"My soldiers are super protective, sometimes judgmental, but you are a man with a soul. Your eyes show it."

"I think otherwise, your highness."

"She has told me a lot about you and you have proven yourself worthy. You're no monster, despite what you may think."

"See, Edward?" I say. "Usa-chan has a great judgement of character! I don't care what you say."

We bid her a farewell. I giggle at Edward as I tell him that she and I had clearly made a believer out of him. Of course, he tells me he'd rather lose a round of arm wrestling than admit to his brother, Emmett, that he had been correct about the Queen's former existence. Serenity and Crystal Tokyo are now simply myths to the outside world. I pick up the crystals that lay upon my computer desk and fuse them into a necklace.

"So are we going to meet your family today?"

Edward nods. It's a quiet Saturday morning and the skies, per usual, are gray. I'm caught up on all of the school work that I had missed due to my panic attack so the day is mine to do as I wish. I have chores to upkeep but I can do those at any old time. I really want to know the rest of the Cullen family. I've already met the good doctor and Alice. I've yet to be formally introduced to Esme, Jasper, and Emmett. I'm very aware of Jasper's 'condition' and I'm prepared. I've allowed Edward to come to my personal training sessions. If it wasn't for seeing that, he says that he wouldn't have believed my speed and other capabilities.

I change into a simple white blouse and blue jeans. My hair is down my back, ending in their usual ringlets, as I like to have it. I ask my companion about what he thought and his answer is nothing short of surprising. He presses his cool lips to my forehead.

"Tempting. Now let's go."

We drive out of the main part of town and past a river that's identified to me as the Calawah River. I'm still learning the layout of the land as I haven't wandered too far out of town on my training sessions. I have no plans to do so unless it calls for it, which Edward appreciates. We go through another part of the forest and along an unpaved road. It's clear that they value privacy as I do, which I can appreciate. Pretty soon, we come along a beautiful, three-story house of what feels like a century old. It definitely has it charms.

Edward leads me to the house and into an air, spacious room and at the back of the house, there is a wall of glass that reveals a grassy area leading to the nearby river. It's a gorgeous sight! However, I'm more taken by the gracious couple that are waiting by the door. The good doctor stood by with whom, I assume, is Esme. Just like the rest of them, she's stunning and I sense a motherly air about her.

"Carlisle, Esme," Edward says. "This is Sakura."

Carlisle approaches me very carefully, I notice, and cautiously raises his hand for me to shake. I grin at him and tell him that it's very nice to meet him again and in better circumstances. The doctor smiles at me, as well as his wife. She steps forward and takes my hand into her cool hand. She is a very lovely person and very hard to dislike.

"Very nice to meet you." She says sweetly.

"A pleasure. I would also like to thank you for the food you made for me during my attack." I say to her.

"You're very welcome."

Before anything else is said, I sense two other figures nearby and I look up. There, at the top of this wide staircase, stands Alice and Jasper. Alice comes down the stairs like a shot and stops in front of me with a wide smile and greets me with a gentle kiss on the cheek. She kind of reminds me of Sailor Venus in a way. Her nature is vivacious and jovial. Much like Esme, she's very hard to dislike. Her parents didn't seem to like it and neither did Edward, but I simply smile at her.

"I never noticed but you do smell very nice." She says.

Now I'm embarrassed and I'm trying to fight a blush down before I feel myself relaxing. I look up at Jasper, who hasn't moved from his perch at the top of the staircase, before I remember that he's an empath. It's a strange feeling to have someone mess with your feelings but this hadn't been malicious in nature. Quite the opposite, in fact. Of course, Edward had told me of his beginnings and a vague description of his past.

"Hello, Jasper." I greet him. "I'm pleased to meet everyone."

"Thank you very much." Esme responds. "We're glad you're here."

Not to mention brave.

It's at this point that I realize that Edward hadn't told them of my status as a Sailor Soldier. I look at him and he simply shakes his head. I'm thankful that he respects my privacy. Sooner or later, though, I'll have to come out with the fact that I am part of the beautiful Sailor Team, on top of my vicious past. The time is not right, though. Deep down, there's something big that needs to happen before that piece of me comes out and I know that time will be soon.

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