Chapter 9

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(Note: the transformation scene for Sailor Night is not mine! Puffgirl1952 has given me written permission to borrow this particular piece. Thank you again, Puffgirl 1952!) 

The spirit of Sailor Mercury has a very troubled look on her face. After I told her everything that Jacob shared with me, she became very worried. I figured that she would know of the legends and turns out that I'm right. She had found records about them in the Palace library. She read of the Spirit Warrior, Taha Aki, and how he became one with the wolf during a quest. That's how the wolves came to be. The magical lineage has been passed down from generation to generation.

"Sakura," Mercury warns. "You need to be very careful. These creatures can get up to six feet tall and very volatile."

"Damn! That's huge!" 

I sigh. I'm very familiar with this scenario except with two major differences: the wolves aren't really werewolves. They're shapeshifters. The other difference is that the vampires I'm dealing with are Cold Ones and sparkle like disco balls. The scenario I've faced in the past dealt with real vampires and werewolves. Sheesh. To be truthful, though, I'd rather face these guys rather than going dress shopping with Jessica, Lauren, and Angela. I make my thoughts known and they all just laugh at me.

"Some help you guys are." I grumble.

I turn the crystals into a simple necklace. Normally, I keep them in a safe but my instincts say that I'm probably going to need them tonight. I pick up my phone and I see a text from Angela, saying that Lauren isn't going on the trip after all. I sigh in relief. I'm so glad she's not. She's a massive pain in the ass to deal with and I probably would have punched her in the face without a care. I put on a silky tank-top and jeans, with my power stick hiding in my pocket, and head out the door.

As we head out of the city limits, the excitement is contagious and I can't help but share the feelings with the girls. We chatter on about the dance for a little bit before the conversation is turned back on to me. Jessica had asked about dances in Japan and whether or not I had a boyfriend. The first question was easy enough to answer but the second one...not so much. I sigh.

"He died." I say simply.

Angela gasps. I tell the two girls that he had died protecting me in a robbery, even though that last part isn't true at all. I tell both of the girls that Takuya's death is the main reason why I turn guys down. My Takuya can never be replaced.

"What about Tyler?" Angela asks.

"What about him?" 

"He's been telling everyone that he plans on taking you to the prom."

If it's not Mike, then it's Tyler. Why can't they get it through their thick skulls that I'm not interested? Sheesh. That's very presumptuous of them. I guess American boys are like that, save for a few, of course. That Edward Cullen seems to be quite the opposite but his reasons are, I'm sure, very different.

"He's been telling everyone that?"

"I told you it wasn't true." Angela says to Jessica.

"That's why Lauren doesn't like you." Jessica responds with a grin. "She thinks you're stealing her man."

"Well, Lauren is a bitch."

We all chuckle.


We're looking through racks of dresses before Jessica decides to wander off and look at some jewelry. Angela is looking at some shoes. I casually ask about the Cullens and their habits. Even though I already know the answer to this one, I ask if it's normal for them to leave school on sunny days. The reply confirms their undead status to me. Angela is such a sweetheart. She doesn't question me on my curiosity and that's very refreshing. She's not nosy, like Jessica, and I very much appreciate that about her. I get the feeling that we're going to be very good friends. She shows me a pair of shoes that caught her eye and they're very nice. Her date is taller than she is so she's excited that she can wear heels. I encourage her to buy them. Angela is tall for her age and that fact alone reminds me of Haruka, who was also tall for her age.

There's something to be said about limited selections.

Jessica and Angela both found dresses off of that particular rack, respectively an electric blue and a pale pink dress, thus wrapping up our shopping expedition. Since our trip turned out to be rather quick, it's decided that we spend the rest of the evening exploring part of Port Angeles. The two girls go off to explore the beach and I start heading south, promising that we would all meet in an hour or so. It's during my walk that I notice an oddly familiar Volvo parked nearby.

What the hell?

I don't take notice of the increasing foot traffic, which is a crucial mistake on my part, before I realize that everyone is heading north. Shit. Everything is all warehouses so I backtrack towards the north. As I'm making my way back, my power stick starts to pulse dangerously against my leg. A couple of men made a turn around a corner and they are grimy-looking guys. I make no eye contact with them whatsoever. One of them says hello, but I pay them no mind. They are obnoxious and I'm getting a pretty sickening vibe from them. I subtly pick up the pace.

"What's your hurry, sweetheart?"

I take a quick glance at the group and notice that two of them are gone. It's only a couple of steps into an alley is when I realize it. They're trying to hem me into a corner and the reason is way too obvious. Observing my position, there's only a couple of options that I have: fight them as a civilian or fight them as Eternal Sailor Night. I smirk. 

Or I can do both.

As soon as the two goons get close to me, I take them by surprise with a roundhouse kick to their heads and knock them down. The other two guys haven't arrived yet so that allows me some time to transform into my alter ego. I yank my power stick from its hiding spot and yell out those familiar words.

Night Eternal Power!

The familiar glow of dark light surrounds me. Crossing my arms about my face, black feathers of light run across my hands with black nail polish appearing upon my fingers upon contact. Those same black feathers run across my arms and elbow length gloves appear in a burst of dark flames. The feathers engulf my upper body before dark flames run across my exposed skin. Left in its place is a white body suit, with a bow, and a sailor-like collar. Soon enough, those feathers and flames surround my hips, creating a mini-skirt and bow in the back; my legs are also overtaken by feathers and flames, leaving knee-high, steeled-toe, platform boots in their place. Warm flames surround my neck, leaving my choker there. Last, but certainly not least, my scythe appears in my hand, along with my tiara. 

The two guys that I knocked down are back on their feet and the other two that had disappeared earlier are now standing behind me. Not a problem at all. 

"Alright, boys," I say with dark grin. "You wanted to play with me, so let's play."

Twilight AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora