Chapter 3

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"Be friendly." Alice gently reminded.

If Edward was going to get anywhere with his new classmate, he had to be on his best behavior no matter what. He fed on animal blood to the point where he nearly got sick. She held secrets inside her...secrets that would have been typically accessible for him had she been like other humans. However, it was clear that she wasn't like other humans. Heck, her otherworldly aura made it seem like she wasn't along with that unusual strength of hers. Whatever the case, he would try to find out one way or another.

So as he strode into their first class of the day, Sakura was already sitting down with a book in place. She wasn't going to give him the time of day and why should she? He acted like a complete ass towards her. Socializing with others was NOT his forte, mind you and he didn't need to be a mind reader to know that she couldn't stand him. He didn't blame her one bit. Still, he had to try, no matter how enticing she smelled. Time to turn on the charm.



"I must apologize for my rudeness the day. I was not feeling the best."

Sakura's POV

Is he actually talking to me?

He actually is talking to me. Holy crow! The asshole is trying to be polite. I'm in shock...note the sarcasm. He has a charming personality as of now and that makes me very curious. What the hell does he want? I'm not going to believe this sudden change of heart until I know he means it. Furthermore, his eyes aren't the pitch black they had been the other day. They are actually a pleasant honey color. Topaz, I guess it would be. 

That lack of an aura is really throwing me off.

"May I ask what brought you to Forks?" Edward asks.

"I guess you can say I wanted a fresh start."

It's the truth. For the next couple of minutes, we stay silent and it's during those few minutes that I feel a gentle probing against the barrier of my mind. Interesting. Who would have thought I would meet a mind reader here? I smile as my power stick begins to pulse in warning. Forks has some fascinating secrets. It looks like Sailor Night might have to make an appearance sooner or later.

"You know," Edward starts. "You're pretty strong for someone your size. What's your secret?"

Sad to say, he's right. I'm only five-foot-one but picking up guys, like Edward, is child's play. The heaviest guy I have picked up was about three hundred and fifty pounds. However, I just give my table mate a withering glare. I don't have to answer all of his questions. I just go back to reading my book that I had in my had, telling him that I work out and lift weights. Before I know it, the world is tuned out.


Well, after today's incident, I'm definitely positive that there's some supernatural activity going on. Who knew? Again, note the sarcasm. I'm currently in Forks Hospital after a really strange incident. I had gotten out of my car and started across the parking lot when Tyler took a turn too fast and hit a patch of black ice. He spiraled out of control and started coming towards me. I would have dodged it if a certain Cullen hadn't jumped in and stopped the van with his bare hands.

I know what I saw. I'm not crazy.

The dent in the side of Tyler's van was huge. That definitely tells me that Edward isn't human and another the heck did he get to me so fast? I grilled him on it but claims that he had been next to me but that I had missed him. Bullshit. He wasn't anywhere near me when that accident happened. It's physically impossible for him to move as fast as he did. The only thing that comes to my mind is that he's some kind of youma. He doesn't seem to be a youma, though, despite how pale he is.

"What the hell is going on in Forks?"

"Hm? Did you say something, Adachi-san?"

I look up and in comes the good doctor himself, Dr. Carlisle Cullen. According to Jessica, the good doctor is the adoptive father of the pale bunch at school. He is surprisingly young. I'd peg him in his early to mid-twenties at the most. He has blonde hair and the same honey-colored eyes that Edward does. Now that strikes me as odd. Way too much of a coincidence. The kids at school all have the same eye color and they are supposed to be adopted. 

"Eh. Just muttering to myself."

I sigh. I have no home to return to in Tokyo. I suppose I can contact Usagi's spirit through her crystal and see what she has to say. I can do the same with the other sailor crystals as well and even utilize their power if the situation calls for it. Dr. Cullen gives me a precautionary check up to see if I have suffered a concussion or any other damage before telling me that he would fetch the discharge papers.

Geez! His hand is so cold!

I would take out the silver crystal and contact Usa-chan but I'm not going to risk it right now. I can hear Tyler over in the next room freaking out and worrying about me. I can hear Dr. Cullen, who must have stopped, reassuring his patient that I'm okay and that he needs to stay in bed. Hm. Must have been a little bit banged up after that 'crash.' I would imagine he either hit himself on the steering wheel or got cut up by some glass.

What is it about their lack of auras?

My mind goes back to that. I'm missing something here, but I'm not sure what it is. It's when the door starts to open and Dr. Cullen enters when the answer hits me. People don't have auras when they die. These people are literally the walking dead. Not of the zombie type, of course, but something just as dangerous.


"Alright, Adachi-san, if I can get your signature then you'll be free to go."

I'm signing the papers when Tyler goes off in another round of hysterics. I swear, Dr. Cullen must have an infinite amount of patience because he doesn't flinch at all at the outburst. A nurse comes in, looking worse for the wear, asking for his assistance. He nods and says he'll be there in a moment. Once my paper work is done, we shake hands and he's off to check on Tyler. I'm gathering my things when the one person I need to speak to comes in.

"Just the man I wanted to see."

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