Chapter 20

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I wake up the next morning feeling light and refreshed...and still in my Sailor uniform. The entire glass wall is sealed tightly with metal blinds, which I hadn't realized. The Cullens have definitely taken every security detail into account, which is rather impressive. Of course, as vampires-sparkling ones at that-they cannot afford to let their guard down. That's why they're living out in the woods, which affords them privacy. It's funny how we think alike since my apartment is near the edge of the woods and it grants me privacy as well.

Except I didn't have an evil leech on my butt.

Powering down, I'm back to my civilian form. I'm ready for a shower but I don't have any extra clothes. Thankfully, Alice is nearby and ready to help. She and I are about the same size so she graciously lends me some stylish-looking clothes from her own closet. If the girls were alive, they'd be wanting to borrow some of these and wanting to know where I got them from.

We know where you got them from. Lucky duck. Venus's voice whispers.

I smile. Sometimes, the girls will speak to me through my thoughts, much like Circe will, but they are much more pleasant to listen to. I sigh as I'm led into a cozy, yet elegant, bathroom and there are a few items waiting for me. Shampoos and body wash, you name it, are sitting in the shower for me. Even better, it's vanilla. Vanilla is my favorite scent, next to roses and Cherry Blossoms. I'm betting on Alice, of course, to have gotten them for me. She's such a sweetheart. I'm very thankful that she cares for me despite our short acquaintanceship. 

"Sakura?" Alice calls.


"I need your clothes. We're going to use the scent on your clothes to lead James away from Forks."


I immediately take my clothes off and hand them over to Alice before getting into the hot shower waiting for me. While I had been sleeping, the Cullens had been discussing ways of getting James out of the area. They had decided that they would try to confuse him by having someone wear my clothes. I'm down with that. Edward, being his protective and possessive self, is trying to make it so I don't have to fight. What a protective fool but I can't be too upset with him. He's just trying to make sure that I'm safe but I will call him out if he gets too overbearing, which he definitely can be.

We'll see what happens.

We wouldn't be in this situation, pet, if you'd have let me out. Circe hisses.

Perhaps. Then again, I'm curious how strong this James is. I reply.

You are as brave as you are foolish. Maybe I should just take over and get this over with.

You will do no such thing.

I get out of the shower quickly and dig around in my bag that I had brought with me. Inside, I have paper seals with the Pentagram on it and place it over my forehead. In Wiccan religion, the Pentagram with its single point facing upwards is a sign of white magic. This seal comes in handy if, for some unknown reason, I don't have the silver crystal on me. Most of the time I do have it and the Pentagram seal acts as extra protection. I consider it a fail-safe plan. The crystal, though, does the trick. I just can't have the seal on its own. Circe has broken out before when I had the paper seals on me.

I just might get me a Pentagram tattoo on my back.

You'll be making a mistake, pet. You're nothing without me.

Ignoring her, I slip into Alice's clothes and head downstairs. A few of the key players are already gone to chase James out of the area. Jasper, Emmett, Alice, and Rosalie are out while Carlisle, Esme and Edward remain. There's breakfast waiting for me and as I head to the table, I see my power stick glittering under the lights. The pixie-like vampire had found it bundled up in my shirt and left it for me. I'm glad. I'd be lost without it. Looking at Edward, though, he seems disappointed that Alice gave it back to me but he says nothing.

"How close did he get?" I ask my companion.

"Three miles." Edward says. "He was testing his limits before he got chased off."

"I see."

I pick my power stick and look at it. I know I can do this without calling upon Circe. After all, I still have the Sailor Crystals around my neck. Can't believe that I didn't think about that. When I touch them, I feel their power flowing into me. I can feel Mars fiery spirit running through me and Jupiter's determination. I can feel Uranus just waiting to unleash her power upon James as well. With their power, I don't see how I can fail. I must be cautious, though. I don't think I've ever gone up against a Cold One and it wouldn't be wise to get cocky and arrogant. Last time I got that way, I sustained a broken arm and a broken leg for my attitude. 

"So how are we to proceed?" I ask.

"You're staying here." Edward says stonily. "The rest of us intend to corner him and destroy him."

"Excuse me?"

I give him a very hard look before he sighs. I make it very clear that I have been a soldier for nearly nine hundred years and that I don't appreciate being treated like a damsel in distress. Even Circe is taking exception to this, which is surprising, but she just wants to stir up trouble. I want part of the action because I'm the one who started this mess. People were taught to clean up their messes and I'm going to clean it up.

"We're just trying to protect you. Please don't make this any harder than it is already."

"Look, Cullen, I'm not some weak little girl you're making me out to be. I made this mess and I'm going to be the one to clean it up." I growl.

I clench my fist tightly. Circe is very restless but with the crystal around my neck and the seal upon my forehead, she can't do much. Edward and I say nothing until the paper seal upon my head catches his eye. I tell him of its significance and its purpose. I admit to him that even though I maintain control over her, she can get a little troublesome. If I did not have the crystal or my seals, she'll make a break for it and try to control me. She has in the past and there's nothing really I can do unless someone has a paper seal to place upon my forehead. It'll force her back into her prison but not for very long if I don't have the crystal with me.

"So I'd be careful if I were you. You push me and things will take a nasty turn." I warn him.

Edward sighs again before he suddenly grins. He tells me that he's unused to having an alien girlfriend with a split personality. That calms me down and makes me smile, too. I respond in kind by saying that I have never dated a vampire before so this whole dating a supernatural creature thing is kind of new for us. 

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