Got beaten

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(Queen nikki and winter spirit and snow queen and hunter and alih went out of the room )

Queen nikki

Thanks guys for comforting us

Winter spirit

Yeah me too that text gives me the creeps

Brave archer

Hey guys



Dragon trainer

We got two special somebodies here

Snow queen


Luaghing jack


Jeff the killer

Hey ho

Queen nikki

Holy bitch ..ahhhhhhhhhh

(Queen nikki runs to the kitchen )

Winter spirit

Ahhhhhh it laughing jack ahhhhhhhhhhh

(Winter spirit run to the kitchen )

(Both snow queen and hunter facepalm )

Snow queen

You guys plan this did you

Glowing princess

Hahahahaha yuphahahhahaa


Now my wife is going burst with fear

Alih please go to a room


Yes papa

(Alih went to another room )

(Queen nikki goes out the kitchen with a frying pan)

Queen nikki

Hey jeff the killer and luaghing jack

Jeff the kiler


Luaghing jack


(Queen nikki run towards jeff the and laughing jack and knocking them out uncoincius with a frying pan )

Queen nikki

Thats for scaring me

(Everyone laughs execpt queen nikki)

Dragon trainer

I told you this would back fire

Brave archer


Queen nikki

Wait you guys plan this did you

Glowing princess

Ok we did

Queen nikki

Even you hunter and elsa



Snow queen


Wait where jack

Queen nikki

There in the kitchen sobbing like a baby

Snow queen

Wow very manly

Everyone laughs

(Winter spirit came out of the kitchen)

Snow queen

Were you crying

Winter spirit

What no i was thinking of a plan

Brave archer

Oh yeah when you were thinking off a plan

Nikki here was knocking them out with a frying pan

Winter spirit

Well that not a very smart plan for a girl who is 1012

Queen nikki

Well i still got a brain grandpa your too slow to think of a plan

Dragon trainer

Ouch burn got beaten by a girl

Shut up dragon breath

Glowing princess

Hey dont call hiccup that

Snow queen

Thats enough

Queen nikki

it getting late so bye honey go get alih


Ok alih come dear


Ok papa bye uncle jack

Winter spirit

Bye alih

Queen nikki


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