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Nikki : *stutters* you s-see..
Hunter : im here *steps forward *
James : you motherhugger sh*t you dare to deflower our girl!!
Akihiro : why you *cracking knuckles*
Henric : *throws book away * you little sh*t
Nikki : guys come down * stands between them * ok...i make my own decisions in my life and i chose hunter to be with me and to have little alih
merida : *whispers to the big five * she should really be a peace maker
Elsa : i know shes more scary when she's calm
Jack : *snickers* scary grandma
Nikki : heard that to you guys calm ?
Nikki's bestfriends : yeah
Nikki : thank you guys *hugs them *
Hunter : *hands twitch *
Jack : *whispers to hunter * you are so jealous
Hunter : *whispers back * I'm not. Ok
Hiccup : *whispers to them * no your jealous cuz your hands are twitching same with jack when he's jealous of men cuz they keep courting elsa
Jack : *whispersto hiccup* im not
Hunter : *whispers to them* *sighs* your right I am jealous
Hiccup and jack : *whisper* told you
Nikki : now lets go eat im gonna make lomo
Akihiro : sorry niks we gotta go
Nikki : *pouts* why?
James : we have to go to school princess
Nikki : *huffs* fine bye guys
Akihiro : bye darlin
*Nikki's best friends walks out the door *
Aj : me too nicxie
Nikki : fine bye gurl *hugs aj*
Aj : *hugs back * bye * walks out the door
Rap : so........lets go eat
Nikki : ok
Rap : one more thing...whats lomo?
There you go guys i updated earlier new start for me bye my kitties *struts out hte door like a boss *

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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